Reviews for Happy Birthday
Lily chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
This was awesome. Also, hysterically 's similar to one I'm working on, in which Zero, X, and the Guardians are all revived by some crazy process involving a mysterious old comic book and flash drive , and apparently there have been rumors of three different mysterious figures. The plot can be summed up in this quote: "Is it even possible for a Reploid, or any robot, to die?"
Guest chapter 6 . 7/27/2013
This chapter are actually far apart from hilarious (except for Omega part) this chapter describe what zero should become if there is no guardians or x nor axl to guide him out of that them God of destruction is a reality
eclipse2012 chapter 6 . 3/17/2013
This fic has made me laugh so so much! It's just that hilarious! I must say, excellent work on this one!
RiceKrispie chapter 5 . 7/27/2010
How did I never review this before? I must correct this!

Chapter 5 was good, but not as good as 4. The April Fool's thing was pretty awesome. Chapter 5 starts off really slow though - do I really need to hear about Zero and Axl going shopping? Other than some mildly amusing dialogue, nothing happens. I started scrolling over parts of it 'cause I just didn't care. If it's not relevant to your idea (i.e. the party in the later half) then you don't need to put it in the story! I could go from the part where Axl convinces Zero to let him stay there, then cut straight to when they arrive late at the house, and not miss a thing.

The stuff in the house with the two Zeroes is great though. Leviathan squealing for a camera was awesome. Then everyone ending up in a tree! Ending it with tickling was kind of corny, but whatever, it worked.

Chapter 6 was depressing. Kind of expected it though. I really liked how you described events through Zero's eyes in a distorted, not-quite-there mentality. Really did a good job of making it feel like it wasn't him, but it was.

The whole wolf-sheep-dog metaphor works and is a solid idea overall, but the actual writing of those sections could use some work. They didn't flow very well, and occasionally there was a lot of repetition. For instance, when you say "The wolf, who was tame, watched them leave with confusion." So they took confusion with them when they left? Is the fact that the wolf is tame really so important that you had to stick commas around it? If it is that important, isn't there a better place to point it out? Or maybe just make it stronger in this sentence: "The wolf, tamed by the years he'd spent among the dogs, found himself confused as he watched them leave."

Or maybe "The tame wolf watched them leave, confused." Fewer words, same meaning, no awkward mid-sentence pause. (In general, as far as writing goes, fewer words better in most cases.) You could even point out the fact that the wolf was tame in an earlier sentence, thus not really needing to ever point it out again unless you're specifically trying to draw attention to the fact (which I note you do in several places).

Here's another idea for you to think about. Knowing that the wolf is 'tame' changes the mood/emotion behind the wolf's words significantly. (Even if you use the same words, I would read the thoughts of a wild wolf in a much more aggressive frame of mind than those of a tame wolf.) Depending on how you want the section to be read (i.e. how you want to represent the wolf in the writing [or since this is the wolf's dream, it could even represent how the wolf pictures himself]) you could even choose to leave out the 'tame' descriptor until later in the section (thus representing the fact that the wolf doesn't think of himself as tame, until you later point out that he is, either through narration, or a character in the story pointing it out). Certain adjectives can have moods and feelings associated with them, and depending on where you place them in your writing (as well as how many and/or how often) you can greatly influence how your writing is perceived. Maybe the wolf thinks of himself as wild, but everyone else thinks he's tame - just making that distinction gives your reader a lot of information about the characters they're reading about.

Anyway, not saying you particularly need to think about that here, it was just something I thought I'd point out.

Moving on! Some technicalities.

You should really put line breaks into your uploaded documents. Without them it's really hard to tell when you've changed scenes, especially when one ends with dialog and the next starts with it - I can't tell who's talking, or sometimes even that you've switched scenes, until a few lines later.

The italics in the wolf sections are messed up and it's hard to tell which parts are talking and which parts aren't. I understand what you're doing, but using quotation marks wouldn't kill the effect.

Consider using semi-colons and/or hyphens a bit more. For example: "He gazed up at the dogs, who were his best friends." You could rewrite this as "He gazed up at the dogs - his best friends." And later on: "The wolf was all alone, the sheepdogs hadn't realized that he was absent." should be "The wolf was all alone; the sheepdogs hadn't realized he was absent." Since technically those two parts are both independent clauses (you could stick a period between them if you wanted) you need a stronger pause between them than just a comma provides.

Anyhow, after all that whining, it was of course thoroughly enjoyable, quality work, as always.
Zephyra Cobalt chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Wow, that was so wise! I suddenly want to try drawing that now! I swear, if I remember this story I'll tell all my kids about if I ever have kids!
Prismatic Color chapter 6 . 2/22/2010
... "fireworks" and "Zero" Should never be in the same paragraph for safty reasons

...Sad chapter, but with a happy ending. Well done.

Wow I /almost/ feel sorry for Omega's "Alergies"
Nina chapter 6 . 2/21/2010
ahahahahaha drunken people are funny.

Nice chap
MungoJerry chapter 6 . 2/20/2010
Okay, I teared up a little.

... *waits for next chapter of Anniversary* :P
Anubi-Kui chapter 5 . 1/12/2010
Update your fanfic soon! I want to read more!
Prismatic Color chapter 5 . 1/6/2010
Cute. Interesting fight scenes. Hmm Is Omega going to become mor integrated in the story or is he just there? I can imagine St. patricks day or maybe New Years... actually now that I think about it maybe not...
Captain Greene chapter 5 . 9/1/2009
And payback's a b*! hilarious chapter! Great job! Glad to see more of Axl's crazy antics - if Zero wasn't such a stick in the mud, he'd have a lot more fun (and a lot less mischief out of Axl!).

Can't wait for the next chapter!
ChristianClark13 chapter 4 . 7/25/2009
MrChoco chapter 4 . 4/21/2009
Man, this was a really FUNNY chapter! Keep writing!
MrChoco chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
HaHaHa! Poor Omega! As soon as he wakes up, he finds he's trapped! Sucks for him!
DarkShiftRising chapter 4 . 4/21/2009
Oh jeezus this was funny. My ribs are still hurting from reading this. Another excellent chapter!

...Now about an update for Happy anniversary...?

DarkShift out!

Ps. What was the Starcraft reference?
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