Reviews for I'll Forever Hold Regrets
It'salreadycreeping chapter 1 . 12/22/2008
So, firstly let me say that this was REALLY GOOD. Your style seems to have developed SO MUCH since your "Cold as Death" fic; it's clearer now and there's more room for action as well as emotion. On top of that, the storyline is very interesting so far (did I mention I love love LOVE Kataang?).

The only thing you could improve (at least that I can see) is the fact that you stay very distant from the characters. Try describing what things felt like, not what they looked like. To give you a very lame example, instead of saying "A kind of darkness shaded his face" you could say, "There was a sour taste in his mouth" or something to that effect (I told you it was a lame example). But feel free to totally disregard this and just bask in the praise instead.

Anyway, I really want to read more and find out about this 'news from a Fire Nation soldier', so you'd better write more! It's great and all you need to do is keep at it. I'm totally hooked. Thanks for writing!
Fanficfantom chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
I dont have an acount so thats why this is anomynous. Anyway I love this chapter and I hope to read more on this story so please write more
timisnotmyname chapter 1 . 9/17/2008

their child died. :(

i like ur fic tho!

keep it up and u might get a fav from me!
my trancey inspiration chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
I think it's wonderful. So sad that Sokka and Suki lost their child. But in Katara's fear, I think she will realize that her life would never be whole without children. That she needs to let Aang show her that she should learn to let go as he had to do, that life itself is fragile and temporary. That her deepest regret as she grows older would be that she didn't share her love and life with the children they may have. You're right, the story line is lovely. A chance for Katara to learn a valuable life lesson, and become closer to her husband in the process. Beautiful. Please continue :)
Aryck-The-One chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
Now, hold on a second. This IS going to end up KatAang, right? If not, then the character pairing is wrong.
coolmac1718 chapter 1 . 9/16/2008
Please tell me there's not going to be a lot of Zutara in this story -_-