Reviews for Life
BundleofContradictions chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
The TARDIS singing to the baby! And keeping the Doctor from sugar!

The Doctor mentioning his family, crying about his kids and grandkids, reminiscing about his Mum. I wonder what the deal with his Mum is?

And of course this is 'normal," because everything about The Doctor is weird and wonderful and strange in a normal way ;)

Someone told me that a midwife once described fetuses to her as "parasites that we like." :)

Well, this story is sweet and making me smile. Where's the next chapter?
ladyisis-uk chapter 1 . 1/22/2009
A lovely follow up, definately would love to see this turned into a little series. xx
teddybowties chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
OH MY GOD! ARE THERE ANY MORE OF THESE? I NED MY FIX. Pretty Please? I really am rather fixated with this particular concept...
mysterypoet66 chapter 1 . 10/4/2008
There is so much empathy and kindness in this. It's lovely, and a really great way of looking at the characters. Jackie makes such a great lens, and you write her beautifully.
LimitedByCreativity chapter 1 . 9/30/2008

I thought this was really good! HAHA at pregnant Doctor!

Not that it's funny, noo!...