Reviews for You'll Like Me When I'm Dead
invaderspotty0 chapter 85 . 8/1
BROOOO I FELT SO TENSE THRO THIS CHAPTER it's so nice to see this story still being updated. You write both Vader and Padme WONDERFULLY and I've loved reading this over the years :) I cannot wait to see if Vader puts it together/already has...
Guest chapter 3 . 7/12
So, in your story, Padme, the broken-hearted, married mother, separated from her kids and crazy to find them, apparently has time to whore around with the first person that crosses her path. That is not Padme. And this story is horrible.
sm211 chapter 1 . 6/16
hey, I’ve just come across this and decided to read, I noticed that you started writing in 2008, and am not sure if you’re still updating or not..

anywho, I just want to let you know that you’re doing an amazing job! I’m really excited to see if Padmé will tell Anakin what she wan d to tell him. Keep up the good work, and I’m hoping that you didn’t abandon this... :)
Irene Sharda chapter 85 . 6/8
I've just gotten a chance to review all of the chapters so far. Padme and Anakin have made quite a bit of progress. I know Padme is having doubts now, especially with Asajj around. I wish there was some way for Padme to accept Anakin/Vader's changes, just as he has accepted the changes in her.

But how will she feel when he tells her that Bail has a daughter named Leia? And I'm pretty sure because of that "I'm sure you'll grow up just as feisty as your mother" line, Anakin definitely suspects, if not knows outright.
JourneyRocks13 chapter 85 . 6/4
Hes not a bad person, he just chooses to do bad things. A very forgiving thing to say and definitely something I think Bail truly believes.
I very much enjoyed the new chapter. I really likes how Leia came into the room and Vader couldn't sense she was truly his daughter. Plays homage to the movies and true Star Wars Canon too. Well done. Can't wait to see more
jeanosauryehet27 chapter 85 . 6/3
He saw Leia oh please he should've taken Padme oh hell noesss
darklover chapter 85 . 6/2
Glad to see another update from you!

Lots of tension in this chapter.

I feel for Padme's heart breaking when she finds out about Anakin's plans to hunt down Jedi. The way you write this story is just so good.

Wow, I think Anakin must have realized Leia is his daughter.

It's crazy that Anakin is supporting slavery though I guess the fact that humans are being freed is something that at least makes him feel somewhat better, I suppose.
J3di Jad3 chapter 85 . 6/1
I was so happy to see you updated again! Getting the chapter notification was just like waking up on Christmas morning :)

This was truly a great chapter. Padme's reaction to the situation was definitely realistic/believable- on the one hand, Bail Organa stole her children, but on the other hand, if she says anything, Vader could kill Bail- and Padme doesn't hate Bail *that* much. You did a great job portraying the cognitive dissonance Padme is experiencing: she's deluded herself into believing that Anakin is a good person, but she's simultaneously terrified that Anakin will kill Bail. And I like the extra complexity added by the fact that Padme doesn't want her children raised by a Sith Lord.

I'm so excited that Anakin and Padme are *this* close to finding Leia! The ambiguity in Vader's conversation with Bail Organa was fantastic. Bail (and us, the readers) are literally on the edge of our seats trying to figure out if Vader already knows who Leia is. To me, it seems like Vader knows- why else would he bother to make such a good impression on some random little girl?... unless he didn't want her to be scared of him, because he was going to take her with him soon.
And if Vader doesn't know yet, he's definitely going to figure it out once Padme hears what happened and the final clues fall into place.

I also loved the worldbuilding you did with Bail and Vader's conversation. Vader, supporting slavery now? My jaw dropped a bit. But it all felt very in-character, so great job there! I liked seeing this side of Vader- how he's the Emperor's political enforcer, not just a military enforcer.

And the little flaws in Vader's "Anakin disguise" were great. Those small details (like Vader standing coldly at the viewport while Padme is frantically looking for him) really add to the story.

Of course, there's also the fact that Ventress is back on the Exactor! I'm guessing that means she finished her mission with Max- I can't wait to see what happened between them. And that comment she made about the Jedi? Oh, boy... if Vader hears about that (and he probably will, from Padme), things are going to get ugly quick...

I'm so excited to see what happens next! (Especially with Padme confronting Vader about the Jedi- I can't wait to see if it "snaps her back" to the reality of her situation, or if her Stockholm Syndrome/Vader's emotional manipulation wins out...) Thanks for posting! I can't wait for the next chapter :)
sunmoonwindandstars chapter 85 . 6/1
And it slowly starts to unravel...
Guest chapter 85 . 6/1
I am frustrated that Vader seemingly did not recognize Leia, but I am happy because it means there are more chapters to come, thanks for the update!
Jadaerys chapter 85 . 5/31
this is frustrating :( and i am sad
serenity87 chapter 85 . 5/31
Oh Vader totally knows Leia is Padme’s daughter! I’m just surprised he was able to restrain himself.
kimberly.chytil chapter 85 . 5/31
That was an awesome chapter it kept me at the edge of my seat Does Vader know that Leia is his daughter?Will Padme want her daughter back?She didn’t give Vader the information he needed when he visited Alderaan!Will she believe Assaj or keep believing he’s Anakin?I can’t wait til your next update!Please don’t keep me eating too long!
JourneyRocks13 chapter 84 . 5/25
Took me a while to get caught up again but here we are. Glad to see you are still updating. Can you provide a reminder of the timeline? I'm blanking on what PEF means.
Nevertheless I'm glad to see updates and having the ability to read aa well. Thanks for the update and hope for more soon
eclair.belmont chapter 84 . 5/23
Omg I’m beginning to love this quarantine, the most amazing fics are being updated, Im so happy even if the drama is coming to this fic again, why can’t they just be happy T.T, I love your portraying of Vader/Anakin because it’s seems that he is Anakin when he is with Padmé but returns to being Vader when he leaves her side and in some way that’s sad because it’s means that perhaps now Anakin cannot exist without Vader after everything he is done and he accepts that because he can’t undo the past, and Padmé loves him despite going against her morals but can’t accept both of them ( this is so sad ), what will happen when Vader understand that, will he chose her or himself again when the times comes again ...
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