Reviews for Heavenly Haunting
mymag99 chapter 24 . 8/31/2018
I can't wait for the chapter!
Branded Lunacy chapter 3 . 4/5/2015
Branded Lunacy chapter 2 . 4/5/2015
is riku a ghost?
Branded Lunacy chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
I'm interested.
Sorux Caelum Orun chapter 16 . 9/4/2014
hey, is there any chance that the name Sinclair is from another video game?
Andie chapter 24 . 8/18/2014
I can't wait to see how this all ends!

The story does need a proofreading pass or two. There's a lot of simple errors - "your" instead of "you're", or "no" instead of "now". It helps to read out loud when proofreading, or even read backwards. It forces you to slow down and look at what's actually written instead of what your brain thinks should be written there.

Yuffie's genki levels may be just a toooouch too high. She's not quite that obnoxious in the games, I think. :P

I wonder if the friendly Shadow is Sora's heartless. Also, I wonder if Sora and Roxas are related in some way, or if their resemblance is just a convenient cosmic coincidence. Lastly, it makes me all too giddy that Xemnas is Riku's father, since I have a head-canon that Xehanort is Riku's father or grandfather in-game.
Kennedy chapter 24 . 8/4/2014
Omg! Why did u stop writing? I need to know what happens next! And how does namine know xion? There is so much action that I need to know everything!
Bellatrix Trickster chapter 24 . 10/7/2013
plz update soon
Scarlet Ruby Rose chapter 24 . 8/26/2013
Ooh can't wait to find out what happens
Princess13 chapter 24 . 4/27/2013
Shadow's Life Spand chapter 24 . 3/9/2013
.AWESOMENESS! I am a BIG DemxZexy fan an omg i just love it kyaa! I could kiss you for this story..But that would be kinda awkward right? Ha ha _ ANYWAY Long comment short I like this story its freaking awesome .
sakurasapprentice7 chapter 24 . 2/18/2013
Ugh, I can't believe I forgot about this fic! There's needs to be more good quality supernatural fanfics for KH! (and not vampire ones... I'll be honest I haven't read a good one since Twilight came out not sure if that's connected or not...)
Princess13 chapter 24 . 2/14/2013
OMG! I just read this chapter over and I'm like, ″LOL! It's absolutely HILARIOUS that Xion is throwing random office furnature at Sora! :] ″ Seriously, it is! I love this story and want to read more! Please hurry writing! If you don't, I'll kidnap Sora, then tell Riku you gave Sora to Xemnas and he'll hunt you down! :D haha JK...maybe...:D [ROTFL!]
Princess13 chapter 24 . 2/13/2013
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! The story plot is so epic and i love the Soriku, Cleon, and Akuroku moments! :] I also love how you added Xion in there, too. Is anyone going to remember her later? Because it would be really sad if they didn't! Overall, this is one of the BEST fanfics I've ever read! Please continue, [write fast!] and keep up the good work! :]
X-blade025 chapter 24 . 2/8/2013
This is a very enjoyable story. I like all the different POV's you add. Now to wait for the next exciting chapter. Can something bad happen to Roxas again, I'm one of those people who like seeing their favorite characters in trouble. Please update soon.
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