Reviews for Lost To Madness
Stacey1973 chapter 8 . 10/28/2019
Enjoyed the story especially the last fight
Angelus 408 chapter 8 . 3/24/2018
Ahem. "Interesting story", nah, just kidding, lol
Hey, if you can do it, so can we!
Wink, Wink
ngregory763 chapter 8 . 7/16/2017
Finished reading I can go to bed, and hopefully dream about this wonderfully battered Dean. *sigh* I am sooooo glad to have found your works! You are able to pull a loose idea together like nobody's business and I am simply loving reading the results! Bravo! *golf clap here, cuz everyone else in my house is in bed*
mckydstarlight chapter 8 . 1/15/2016
I love the ending! He finally got his dang key just as he deserved it.
Mazy chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
I've always like your writing, torture, shirtless ,fest plot or no plot. Mthe only thing that's a turnoff is your constant putting your writing down. Bit makes me feel quite stupid for reading and enjoying it,
xTalonx chapter 7 . 11/8/2012
Just wanted to say that I loved this little bit:

Head down, he watched the water running past his feet as it changed from brown to pink, the accumulated dirt, blood and small chunks of stuff he was pretty sure was skin, washing away from him.

He wished the memory washed away as easily.

Anger flooded him again and his vision grayed out momentarily.


He slammed a fist into the side of the shower.

"Dean?" Sam was there so fast Dean would've sworn he teleported. (-Made me giggle)

With Sam's eyes locked on his, Dean felt exposed in so many ways, being naked was the least of them.

"I'm okay..." Dean said, swallowing. "I'm okay." He repeated in a firmer voice, and because Sam needed to hear it in Dean's attitude, added angrily, "Close the fucking curtain, you pervert!" (-Also made me giggle. Very canon Dean-esque)
xTalonx chapter 8 . 11/2/2012
Y'know, earlier today (or maybe it was last night..?) I left a comment on your website about wanting to see a good number of your drabbles expanded, and lo and behold, I've found one! It was like getting an early birthday present, so thanks! ]
Mzzmarie chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
So I just wanted to thank you again for writing this great story! I am re-reading all of my favourites and enjoying them just as much as the first time I read them! Thanks!
HBKDEANRKO chapter 8 . 1/16/2012
The things you did to Dean were so horrible! Thank you!
KrizDeanGirl chapter 8 . 10/31/2011
damn girl, then more I read then more I fall in love with your stories. just one word after reading this story: awesome. I can't understand how I didn't read any of yours before. well, lucky me now cuz let me tell you, you're as fantastic as your stories. I so happy I found such a great writter.

kisses from PerĂº.

fwennie chapter 8 . 8/9/2011
This is the second time I've read this story and then it occurred to me that I'd omitted to review it. It is/was simply... amazing. I admit I have a particular fondness for seeing or reading about a blooded beaten up, slightly ruffled looking Dean... okay, it's a major kink but I seem to be in good company lol, but what I don't like is badly written whumpage, and his story is the other end of the scale, brilliantly written and engaging, even the chapter titles amused me enormously. There are so many amazingly descriptive passages and I even loved the story line. Those boys were bound to dig themselves into trouble one day. Anyway, I just wanted to say I adore this story and the art work to go with it on Deviant is simply stunning. You are a very talented author and artist.

My best wishes for everything you do.

medicgirl chapter 8 . 8/18/2010
Okay, this entire story was awesome on the level of epic awesomeness that... I don't know... graces awesome fanfics? but even as cool as the whole thing was, nothing was as perfect as that last line. I actually thought about that when Dean stabbed him with it... "Isn't Mike gonna need that key again?" Anyway, I'm glad I stumbled onto this fic!
BetahimeTsukiko chapter 8 . 8/10/2010
That bit at the end with the key was hilarious. And let me guess, the Lynard Skynard tune playin' on the juke was 'Dancin' With the Devil' right? Awesomeness.
Heartless BytchhakaHelenBach1 chapter 8 . 8/3/2010
Loved it, loved it. How poetic he finally got keyed

Death-Muncher chapter 8 . 3/14/2010
Interesting story. ] Good job.
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