Reviews for Misty
QueenofForks chapter 3 . 6/10/2019
Loooved it
Ramyfan chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
Will you ever finish this story?
CB Always chapter 18 . 6/25/2011
Pleasssssssssse! Update this story! Continued it! It's one of the best I have read!
Tara chapter 18 . 4/9/2011
! Please Please PLease PUHLEASEEEE keep going. this was the first fanfic i ever read and it is still the best. I want Chuck to come back. pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeee.

LittlePunkSasuke chapter 18 . 2/20/2011 it!
Xoxo chapter 18 . 1/27/2011
I am soo glad you updated, but I really did not like the Dair. If you plan on turning it into a Dair fic where they are romantically involved, can you please let the readers know? I don't want to read this story if that's the case. BUT, if Chuck comes back (and I hope he does soon!), I hope that CB can work things out for their baby. I'm glad you updated. Update again soon!
pinkbelle chapter 18 . 1/27/2011
okay, so I LOVE this story! I just found it, and loved how you had Chuck acting at the beginning. In all of the other 'Blair is pregnant' ones, he's a complete ass, but in this you had more season 3 Chuck, and that worked amazingly. I was SO mad at him for the prostitute thing, but Blair deserves better until he realises his mistakes. Please keep this a Chair story though! I like how you've written the Dan/Blair stuff, but maybe keep them as friends? Have them realise they both love other people (Serena/Chuck)? Please continue ASAP! Lucy xoxo
24hrscout chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
I really like this story but could you please let me know if you're turning this into a Dair fic? I can't stand Dair and this was favorited on my story list but if you're turning this into a Dair fic I'd just rather not read it . I have had enough on the you.
Abiceyn chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
Dair? Really? You had to go there? Well, this used to be my favorite story ever, but I might have to reconsider. Kidding...sort of.

I have to say, I was shocked out of my mind when I opened my e-mail and saw that you had updated. I can't at all remember what happened with Serena, but I don't feel like going back and reading. I'll get by. Keep updating though for sure. As long as there is a happy Chair ending, I'm good. I think we deserve that after all this treacherous waiting!
Lana Langston chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
That was such a adorable and touching chapter. I'm warming up the idea of Blair and Dan, though it didn't initially sound right to me at first. I 3 Nate! I never gave up on this story because it is so wonderfully written and i understand how as a writer you can experience lack of motivation or writers block to write. Sometimes its sometime small or watching re-runs of a show that can inspire us. I can't wait for what else is in store for this story! I loved this story when i came across it months ago and i am looking forward for what is to come! Great story!
Nilsa009 chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
I am soo glad to hear that you did not forget about this story because I love it! Woooow did not see that Dan/Blair scene happening though..Can't wait to see what's next though :)
QueenBee10 chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
Loved it so much
LowerCase32 chapter 18 . 1/26/2011
I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy you updated! I hope Chuck returns sometime soon though!
grace-grace13 chapter 17 . 1/9/2011
I love it. Even though Chuck is acting like an a**. When is he not though? Love Blair in the end.
tiff xoxo chapter 17 . 11/3/2010
love it i hope chuck comes back for blair and the baby
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