Reviews for A Feeling Unknown
shapphire22 chapter 21 . 2/1/2019
It's purely bitter taste
shapphire22 chapter 19 . 2/1/2019
He knows! Argh! Disasters!
shapphire22 chapter 17 . 2/1/2019
Oh no! I thought falling in love is easy and declaration of love is the beginning of all but this? Catastrophe? If Theo really died because of suicide then Hermione's and Draco's love is a sin? Love with a dead man as the pillar? What am I talking about? This is slow burn!
How can I say their love is a sin? It's just that. . . Ah, I feel their royal pain (; _ ;)
shapphire22 chapter 14 . 2/1/2019
He really loves her! *squeal*
shapphire22 chapter 13 . 2/1/2019
Oh~ *clutching my heart*
My heart~ Draco~ (; _ ;)
He really really likes her, that's it! Aww~
shapphire22 chapter 6 . 2/1/2019
What?! Love triangle. Sorry to some of you who just read this fic, spoiler alert! XD
shapphire22 chapter 3 . 2/1/2019
Aww~ Why? It's bitter sweet and I feel like... like... Idk... Sharing Draco's pain? (; _ ;)
Kelsey441 chapter 41 . 3/29/2017
This is definitely my favorite of all of your longer stories that I've read so far. The conflicting emotions surrounding Theo were amazing. I felt this one SO MUCH. Phenomenal job.
Kelsey441 chapter 24 . 3/27/2017
I'm not finished with it yet, but I wanted to say, this is your best work that I've read so far. it's unbelievably raw and beautiful. I can feel their emotions, and I can identify with all of them.
angelserpent chapter 41 . 7/2/2016
I love this end it's so funny. Oh you still play with my emotions my poor feelings... This story touched me more than i thought possible. You are an incredible and really amazing writter. I have to read other dramiones to you, so i will comment later. Thank you for this super Dramione, full of emotions. (i promise you i cried).
CharlieSlayer chapter 41 . 11/8/2015
Very good! I really enjoyed this and I love how they make a joke about her drowning... I mean, almost drowning.
JennyLeigh chapter 41 . 12/13/2014
I loved this. Very angsty, ver sad, and yet, very uplifting at the end. I love how you capture emotion and your writing style is immediately addictive. Loved it completely.
DramioneLove18 chapter 41 . 7/25/2014
Great story! Loved every bit. Cried quite a bit in some of the chapters. You are a great writer! :) Great ending to a great story.
FandaticForeverAndAlways chapter 41 . 5/20/2014
I just finished reading your story; and thought that it was very well written and the mystery was calling. The characters over here I thought were a bit different from canon setting, but it was good anyway. I think you needed them to be such as that for the plot. I loved the Draco/Hermione happy moments.
Overall, the plot was original, well written and effective all through. Good job! :)
Litobee chapter 41 . 3/23/2014
Very intense, and I nearly cried a few times. I related to the characters quite a bit and everything was pretty believable. I just wish that Theo got help, but it wouldn't have the same outcome as it did. Would definitely read it again, but not for a while, need time to heal over Theo's death in this story
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