Reviews for When Everything Grinds to a Halt
CuddlyHawk chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
This was good :) I know what it's like to lose a pet and feel like there's nothing I could do about it :( but luckily for Mikey, it was just a dream. A weird, meditation dream ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
So beautiful!
ilovemyboys chapter 1 . 1/23/2012
Oh my gosh, thank you! I've been wanting to read a fanfiction of this episode. Any chance you wanna write what happens between when Don is carrying Mikey underwater and falls unconscious, and Mikey waking up as Raph sets him down? Maybe from Raph's POV?

Thanks so much!
Silverdragonstar chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Thank you for this story. I agree with you. We also rescue animals, cats mostly and find them homes. Those that are a part of our permanent home pride are like children. The give comfort to us as we do to them. Hate to see anything bad happen to animals. As I see it we have an obligation to take care of this world we inhabit including the other living beings here.
kenobi1985 chapter 1 . 4/13/2009
Heart-wrenching but terrific. Having lost two dogs to car collisions, or long-term injuries caused by the same, I know exactly how Mikey feels here. My cat has diabeties and I worry about her all the time, especially since I'm away at school most of the time. I'd hate to get a call from my parents saying that she's suddenly died from complications. She's 13. That's too young for a cat. Wonderful work/
Tori-chan chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
I understand: I haven't seen this episode, 'cause I have a hard time finding them, but I have two dogs and have panicked many times... WHY must puppies run away from you for the very first time just as a car shoves up from nowhere? *glares at said puppy*

Loved it: You caught the feelings you get perfectly.
SubtleBubbles chapter 1 . 12/22/2008
Yes! Very true, and I think you did a great job, despite the fact you did it in 20 mins _


Happy Chrismahanakwanatheistyear!
Celeste38 chapter 1 . 11/15/2008
Wonderful story, and so very true.

People who don't have pets, simply do not understand what they mean to us. Our pets (cats, dogs, whatever they may be) are like our children to us, our babies.
NightwatchersOnlyGirl chapter 1 . 10/16/2008
I love this story it's so sad in places Mikey does really love klunk
JRH chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
Wonderful story. I have two children - are both are of the four legged varity. I never really thought about the protectivness I felt towards them. There is just something so innocent and trusting about pets. I think it is the same thing that draws us to children. We are all they have and they have to rely totally on us for their protection and needs. Thanks for writing a story demonstrating how devestating it is to lose one of these wonderful creations.
oliviasbizzaremind chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
wow, you so made me cry!
LOSTrocker chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
You know it's funny, I've never really liked Mikey, but thanks to the new 2003 verse I'm showing respect to characters I never thought I would. They're so well developed there, we can really attach ourselves to them because we can easily relate to these guys.

I've never seen this eppy that your fic is based on but now I want to. I'm a big cat lover, and have had a lot of cats growing up, when ever I lost one I got really upset.

Otherwise this was a really touching story and shows that Mikey has more sides to him then just the goofball.

Whoa, sorry that was long. :)
Legendary Chimera chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
This is why we love Mikey, the funny, sweet, sensitive one. Having lost a cat to coyotes the other week, I can see what he means.
54Viruses chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
That last little bit made me think of the eposode Scion of Shredder and how Mikey made sure to grab Klunk. :) Great job!
Chibi Rose Angel chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Normally I don't review stories as much as I used to but this story was really incredible. I disagree with you. I think you did a wonderful job. You managed to convey such strong and powerful feelings without having to go overboard. That alone speaks volumes about your writing sytle. What's even more is the fact that I can definitely relate to you on the pet issue. I lost my pet several years ago so I know how it feels to lose someone special to you. Even if that someone is a pet! Thank you for writing this.
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