Reviews for The Puzzle Book
akitty chapter 2 . 9/22/2012
Hiya! Not really sure if you're here anymore, but it's worth a shot. Just saying that I really like this story, and would appreciate it if it was continued. X3
Yueli-san chapter 2 . 11/15/2010
Amazing story so far, really hope you haven't dropped it! You can't just leave it like that! Really hoping you update soon!
magicmagic chapter 2 . 2/14/2010
i like it :) can't wait to see what happens next
Plimsoul chapter 2 . 6/21/2009
tell me you are not abandoning this story! it has such potential and I really like the way you are writing it so far (Sayu truly is amazing and vastly amusing) so... please update
Manuca chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
Ok, so maybe reading the reviews I got thinking it wasn't Matt...But I doubt it's L; he wouldn't be answering Watari's phone call (it would be the other way around) nor listening to music..

And mabe Seven isn't on Whammy's like I first thought. I'm guilliable like that; aliases? willing to help behind the curtains? ah, innocent me.

But it is still interesting and amazing and chap3? *_*
Manuca chapter 2 . 3/3/2009
From all the plot bunnies, this is, by far, the most amazing. And how you got around it? Really interesting.

I just had a seizure when I finished chap2 and forgot there was no chap3 being so involved with the plot. And what a cliffie! We almost saw Matt *_*! But we did get cameos Watari AND Ryuuk, so it's a bonus lol. Ah, L. I know where you'll find your answers; in the cafe-that-has-a-bakery. Hopefully it's a good cafe but not those 'it's the best' because sure Light is attractive and can get the job, but it would be too cliche. Maybe there's a cake that only have in the bakery? Wouldn't that be evem more cliched? mh. Right, stopping my thinking. I'm just anxious to see them meeting.

Amazing how you condensed the parts and had Sophie in it but not Mary-Sue-ing the plot. And Sayu? You win me over. And the Puzzle Book? I wouldn't know what to do for puzzles lol. But it's great to read how you researched and had it fit like you have actually worked around those typed of puzzle.

I adored this and wish for more, pretty plis? s2.
Velveteenrabbit chapter 2 . 2/28/2009
*interest is piqued* Surely you're not going to just leave it like this? This is such fun! Will you eventually tell who "seven" is? And what does L think about "one" (or is one exclusive only to Japan?) Anyways, Update soon PLEASE!
Qwertygirly chapter 2 . 2/1/2009
RED hair? I kind of doubt that's L. xD I had a 'lol' at Obliviouscodebreakingtool!Light. You make him so cute in this story(I just wanna pinch his cheeks and 'daw'!).
A Bibliophile chapter 2 . 12/28/2008
I thought L was making the codes! Great job keeping it suspenseful. I never would have thought it was criminals who were making the code.

I think this is a brilliant story. The characters are all realistic and the plot is immensely thick. I hope you update soon!
LilaR83 chapter 2 . 12/21/2008
I really love this story so far, please continue soon!
Phamtom of the Pie chapter 2 . 12/16/2008
I like it so far. I look forward to seeing more! Please update soon!
IsobelAnis chapter 2 . 12/9/2008

I love the idea, please keep on writing! I actually didn't get why Light has to set up another account for Sayu as "Two" since she doesn't know about his job, it seems.. But maybe I missed the clue. Anyway, I love AUs and I absolutely love the possibility for an ending where the main characters don't all die. I also like Light hiding his intelligence and for a change not being an absolute bastard to his family (ie only using them for his own gain). So, I eagerly anticipate the next chapter!

Love, Isa
Retrophilic chapter 2 . 11/13/2008
CONGRADULATIONS!1! You may pick up your NINE THOUSAND INTERWEBS at your leisure!

I'm a bit jealous that this prompt got snatched up, because I really wanted to try it out, but I can see that you are doing this way more justice than I could ever hope to! I like how you have the Puzzle Books distributed (I couldn't figure out how to do that without totally messing it up), and that Light is teaching Sayu and merely hiding his genius, rather than giving up on it completely. Anyways, good job, and I hope you update soon!
Mizu1411 chapter 2 . 11/12/2008
Amazing story!
L'uke-chan chapter 2 . 11/4/2008
14 year old? 17 year old? There is gonna be an age diference? Wow. When they're teens, normally, everyone makes 'em the same age xDD BRILLIANT story! Very interestin'. How do they remember the quotes I'll never know . I'm a dummy, spare me x]] As I said, AWESOME story! PLEASE UPDATE!
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