Reviews for The path of the hunternin
PrimeEmperor chapter 4 . 7/18
actually if they want to blame someone who responsible about death asuma and other were Minato and sarutobi. he now madara will take nine tails again but he still seal it in naruto, if he not did it akatsuki not will go to konoha.. Sarutobi was responsible for naruto misery because he tell village, naruto was Jinchu and after he tell them he not train naruto and not educate him... i wonder how naruto loyal to village like that,, maybe sarutobi or danzo seal naruto mind so he can only thinking about protect village, vilage and vilage
reptoholic chapter 1 . 4/5
hendo2031 chapter 27 . 2/25
Truly enjoyed this story. Would be interesting to see if a follow up story starting off where this one ended. keep up the wonderful work.
Danny Williams chapter 27 . 12/29/2019
I enjoyed this story of Naruto from start to finish.
The end was very good.
Chue19 chapter 27 . 12/25/2019
Well i honestly loved your story hope to rear more g ready stories from you.
dopeboyb chapter 8 . 11/15/2019
I like how it’s supposed to be a secret who Naruto is but Tsunade just telling everyone
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 27 . 9/16/2019
I will never get over what an awesome story this is. Besides some little hiccups and bouts of bad grammar it really is brilliant
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 15 . 9/16/2019
As far as I can tell the filed teeth is a trait of kiri village elites. The 7 swordsman and hunters being prime examples. None of the misukage to my knowledge ever belonged to these 2 groups hence why Mei doesn’t fave them and neither does Ao. Choujuro does because of his status as one of the new swordsman
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 7 . 9/15/2019
Physician not Physicist. The study of the human bod. Physicist are a wide view study but in the medical field mosly just develop new medical equipment
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Tenten does not have a last name in canon. Higurashi is the most commonly used last name for her in fanfiction tho so all good
Paul Lenzen chapter 27 . 8/2/2019
This was pretty good... It really was... Damn good job
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
A good story that isn’t a hinata and naruto paring
AcidESP chapter 27 . 6/3/2019
good story, this is the second of your authorship that I read, this one in particular I liked more than the other, I will go to review the others, my congratulations, best regards, bye!
Monster King chapter 27 . 5/24/2019
Great job
grimmich chapter 27 . 5/15/2019
wow the end was really good and I am glad that I continued reading.
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