Reviews for Safe
Hermione's Shadow chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
oh wow, that was really well written, but it makes me want to cry so badly :(
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 3/21/2010
Awesome job. Keep it up. Catch ya on the flip side.
AKA DD chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
Omg, I loved this episode, and this is so heartbreaking. good job!
SophieSaulie chapter 1 . 10/29/2008
I realized that I had forgotten to review this story so forgive me for the late review.

I really enjoyed this story for all of its heartbreakingly normal moments and it's crushing disappointment and loss. For Dean's words to go unheeded because the lure of normal was so intoxicating, it made her forget too much. It clenched my heart!

Fav. parts:

She couldn’t let herself remember. If she had, then every time she’d looked at John, all she would have remembered was the sound of his neck snapping, the limp way he’d lain in her arms…


She had a normal life now, and they were safe.

They were safe.

As the years had passed - normal, happy years - she’d actually started to believe it. And that night, when the baby monitor woke her, she didn’t have a reason to believe anything else.

Her eyes fluttered open at Sammy’s soft, fussing cries, and she reached over to the nightstand to turn on the lamp.

-so sweetly normal and yet I couldn't help but find myself saying, "no, no, remember what Dean said!"

She started forward, wanting to get that thing away from her son, but suddenly she was thrown back and impossibly strong, invisible hands held her against the wall. As she was dragged up towards the ceiling, the voice of a man she’d met ten years ago echoed distantly in her memory:

“On November 2nd, 1983, don’t get outta bed. No matter what you hear or what you see, promise me you won’t get outta bed.”

That’s when she knew.

She’d forgotten too much.

And she screamed.


Wonderful job!
sikeminatural chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
This is awesome! I love the ending! :)
historylover chapter 1 . 10/15/2008

Boy, you must have really loved "In the Beginning"! All your plot bunnies are coming from it.

Keep writing!

Nana56 chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
Yep, she'd forgotten too much all right. She might have lived if she'd remembered, but things would have been different...or not. Mary would have been prepared for what was to come tho. Lots of food for thought. :D