Reviews for Spontaneity and Excitement
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13
Hermione's comical reply is one of the best things I have ever read in my entire life! Stroke of absolute genius. I say again, I really hope by now you are a published author as your writing is far too good to be hidden away from the Muggle world.
Mallory chapter 1 . 9/1
Love this story, I have shipped these two for years and this story is just perfect. I mean the way you write makes you feel like you are actually living it.
SlytherinPrincess87 chapter 1 . 8/1
Ooooo i loved it
Belleencore chapter 1 . 6/14
I loooooved your trilogy. Every little bit of it. Congrats!
paredescharlene chapter 1 . 5/5
I extremely enjoyed this!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
I read the first part (shower part) a long while ago and never knew you wrote a second and third part until last night when I went searching for the shower story, it being the absolute favorite fanfic of Hermione and Draco! I was SOOOO thrilled when I saw you added not one but 2 more parts! Oh man you had me at the edge of my seat the ENTIRE TIME. Freaking GENIUS, especially with the whole vibrator he controls and only he can remove. That got me SO pent up and ready to burst myself I stg... Thank you so much for writing my favorite Hermione/Draco fanfic
fanfictionfiend chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
The entire trilogy's chapters are similar yet different, and the twist you put in them is remarkable. The third chapter is MY favorite!
Sophisticated Sage chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Amazing end to the trilogy :-)
Clara chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
I'm supposed to be sleeping so I was trying to stop laughing ... unfortunately I couldn't
Emily chapter 1 . 7/2/2019
I need more of this!
BoredV87 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
love your trilogy that was amazing, I read them first a while back but sadly forgot to favorite them. your author notes are hilarious and I adore your writing! I've laughed so much while reading these it's been a joy thank you!
dhaou chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
That was steamy!and cute at the end
Zara chapter 1 . 3/2/2019
Haha!that was so funny especially when they got caught !great lemon that was good
catita55555 chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
HahaSnape's reaction from legelimency But a fantastic conclusion to this smutty trilogy. Thank you!
reallyseaweed chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
hahha oh Snape had to obliviate his finding in Hermione's mind.
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