Reviews for Unbalanced
Gin-san needs his parfait chapter 1 . 12/29/2018
Eloquent, succinct, and perfectly in line with what I believe Azula would come to conclude in a cell alone, once she finished screaming.
The thing about insanity is that you don't believe yourself to be insane, eh? You might supect… but in the end, it's others who classify you as insane. And who would Azula ever allow to plant such a suggestion into her own mind?
No, you have portrayed her wonderfully, and I am happy to have found this! What accurate insight you have into her character! I'm a fan!
Sam chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
this was really interesting
Whyhow chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
Bits of this make a worrying amount of sense.
Thornapple chapter 1 . 10/27/2014
This was amazing! It was so wonderfully twisted and cold. The content reminds me strongly of my history classes where we studied the establishment of single-party states. It was a persuasive argument (at least for me), and that was what made it so chilling. You have a lovely way of writing Azula's voice; it was really believable. Great job! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
Sokka or Suki? Non bender, friend of Aang
ladybug114 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
oh wow, that was really really good! and I'm guessing the visitor was Sokka perhaps? :)
this was very interesting, I liked it!
Prodigial-Knight chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Excellent story, I've read it in the past but that was before getting a account and now I feel I should give a review even if it's a few years late.

I'll start of my casting my vote to Sokka being the visitor due to the clues:
1) non-bender, this eliminates a lot of the Gaang and well Sokka is the most focused on non-bender
2) country-bumpking, I think this eliminates Azula's FN "friends" Mai and Ty Lee and Zuko for good measure
3) friend of the Avatar, now this might eliminate a lot of people or not depending on where Azula drives the line between helping Aang and being his friend.

So I have to give this to Sokka he is the non bender with the strongest link to the Avatar mirroing Roku-Sozin, a good argument for Suki is that Azula is retelling things Sokka allready has seen aka the fight under Ba Sing Se but I think Azula isn't actually informing the visitor on events he/she doesn't know as much as that is the style of her speech.

Plus Sokka is the one I can think of most ready to jump on a rhetorical question.

The part I love the most is that Azula is just so brutally honest in describing Sozin as either a man who wanted to take care of his people or a leader deathly afraid of revolutions.

In the end the Avatar probably wouldn't have defended him in case of a revolution, we've seen how Kyoshi treated the revolt against the Earth King and the civil war of Chi the Conqueror as internal matters and not threats to the world.

Wonder how many people died in those conflicts?

It's very hard to get me to see Azula as a revolutionary what with her being royalty, but you did it towards the end of the fic I could just see her leading a guerilla war in the jungle wearing a Che like beret.

"Why four nations? Wouldn't it be better if there were no nations? If all men were brothers?" this line I loved the most out of the fic and you really made it make sense for Azula, again a princess of a colonialist power, to say it.
Mana chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
actually, i thought she would say something about watching Tye Lee fall to gain her balance and how the avatar by stopping her from falling would have stopped her from learning to fly.
gveret chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
Wow. This was perfect. Just perfect. Damn
TMNTurtwig chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
wow, that was amazing. I thought the same too when I watched the Ba Sing Se arc of the show, but you really captured the idea in a way I never could.

Azula was my favorite character in the show especially when the whole the thing finished and she was locked up in an insane asylum.

This fic really shows why I love cartoons as much as I do. They present and argue topics like morality, justice, revenge, motives, things that a child can understand without really understanding them, and then, when they grow up and look back at the show they see all the deeper hidden meanings, and all the justifications, all the shades of gray shows really show.

Well, either that or they look back and just see a cool show and don't get any of the other facets to the world that took up at least 30 minutes of their day.
titan616 chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Sounds like the Azula is claiming the Fire Nation had to expand because of overpopulation. A fair point, but she'd only be delaying the inevitable. Overpopulation would continue, and eventually there would be no more lands to conquer. And the problem would be all the worst, because it wouldn't be confined to just the Fire Nation. Waging war on the world in the long-term only expands the overpopulation problem and hurts many innocent people in the process.

If the Fire Nation did have an overpopulation problem, the best solution would be to limit every woman to having only one child, and then to two children when the population leveled off. It's sounds unfair and tyrannical, but it's the only rational solution.

The other solution is to let the population in the fire nation rise until it finally crashes, and then start again anew. It would make for a bloody and nasty cycle, but it's better than conquering/destroying the rest of the world. If the Fire Nation won't behave responsibly and have a limited amount of children, then they should be the ones paying the price for there short-sightedness; the other three nations shouldn't have to suffer for the Fire Nations mistakes.

I think Azula also gravely misunderstands balance. In many examples she gives, such as a husband abusing his wife, there is clearly an imbalance occurring. The husband has to much power and is abusing it, making the relationship unstable and imbalanced. That is the kind of imbalance we presumably see in Ozai's/Ursa's relationship. (As opposed to Aang and Katara's loving and balanced relationship). The imperial fire nation was the champion of imbalance, and as such it was a source of great suffering.

She's see's balance and being no different than hierarchy or order. But balance exists in between order and chaos, and so many other things. It was the Fire Nation that was forcing it's brand of total order on the world.
Tainted Rose chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Amazing! I really like the authors that try to get into everyone's head, and you did a really great job with it.

Oh, and to everyone that said she's talking to Sokka, she's talking to her brother. ("woe to the boy that spoke out of turn"? "and he was a friend of the avatar, just like you"?)

She's telling all of this to Zuko because he's the only one that can do anything about it and she's resenting his decision to help the avatar bring peace.
Meneldur chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Amazing. I love this oneshot. It's really true, and rational, and everything. Azula is queen of logic and verbal traps and perfection. Maybe her way was a bit too aggressive, but she is so right. The Fire Nation was the most industrial, but had the least space. How could they survive? Why shouldn't they take some of the land of the Earth Kingdom, which has so much and needs so little? Why should they not form a meritocracy, where the literate and educated people of the Fire Nation are at the top? In my story, Azula found a new kingdom in west of the Earth Kingdom, which is largely abandoned due to the war. A Nation where all are welcome, no matter what their nation or bending. But that's something else.

Oh, I guess she's talking to Sokka, right?
CaptureGod-Otamegane chapter 1 . 12/18/2010
well that was a very compelling argument from miss nutjob, i can't wait to read the rebuttal.
omally-dood chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
i have no idea who it is

this is actually prity good i like what u did hear a look into the other side of things as it where
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