Reviews for Someday You Will Be Loved
SammieK chapter 1 . 11/6/2008
i LOVED Chuck's glance into the future.
inevitablevauseman chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
i loved this; i really, really did.


great job!

princetongirl chapter 1 . 10/24/2008
loved it update soon
ArtemisCharmed chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
OMG. I love Chuck's speech at the end. *dies* PERFECT!

-"Please don't leave."-

Yeah, I was thinking about that, too. *giggles*

This was a great post-2x07 piece. They didn't sleep together and he left, but at least things are out in the open. And they know it's there, they just can't say it. It's okay.
hellomynameis-kita chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
liked it a lot

it was very hopeful you know?

it makes me crave for the next episode!

good job, hope you write some more stuff for CB
PrincessDushku chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
Absolutely amazing! Great dialogue- I love that you've used Chuck's 'harsh truths' and made them into something beautiful.

Katertots chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
This was terrific; very well written and their dialogue was perfect. You're very descriptive with your writing and I could picture it all in my head. I have to admit that I LOL when I got to the part about Chuck eventually needing nasal spray to get it up. Ha.

Great job!
schokolade chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
If you keep writing, I'll keep reviewing! Wow I loved this piece. You captured the voices of Blair and Chuck amazingly, articulating all their fears and insecurities perfectly. Definitely helps explain motives and thoughts. Anyway, keep writing more!
Cryzzel chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
Oh my effin gawd. that was so amazing im just in awe.

i love their talk thats the ind of talk they shuldve have!

so both of them understand. and i LOVE the talk chuck gave to her

it was so romantic he'd love her NO MATTER WHAT!

and thats special. Thats very special. Chuck telling her all that

is equvelent to "I love you" and like most girls they preferred that confession than an I love you. blair mustve noticed that.

They know each other so well yet so scared to be with each other.

but im sure they'd enjoy the game ;)

thank you for this fic. Faved and loved!
Sugar-coated Sushi chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
This is good! I loved Chuck's speech. I hope you write another one-shot...their next meeting?
Bonnie chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
This is the best fanfiction i have ever read. I loved it!