Reviews for Not Alone
Omgu8mynewt chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Nice story and well written, thank you.
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
glad he wasn't alone for it and that gandalf was there
BlackxValentine chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
I agree with LilyBaggins, I wish there was an extended edition or something...

I love this fic so much, Aragorn hurt/comfort is one of my favs and I like it when its gandalf taking care of him.

There needs to be more fics like this!
LilyBaggins chapter 1 . 4/18/2009
You have no earthly idea how much I enjoyed this! So very, very few people write Aragorn hurt/comfort with Gandalf as his caretaker-I love it, but it's rare.

I especially enjoyed Gandalf finding Aragorn sitting on the floor, completely worn out, and of course, the tending and reassurance on Gandalf's part. Oh, and Gandalf's devotion to staying at Aragorn's side every moment until his fever breaks. What a lovely friendship they have here!

I am now going to grovel and beg and PLEAD and beg some more that perhaps some day you'll write an extended version of this fic? That is, more tending-I would kill for Aragorn vomiting, and Gandalf having to hold his head and wipe his face . . . or Aragorn needing bathing to keep the fever down, or help to the privy, or to be fed or coaxed to take medicine . . . gosh, I just would love to read more of this!
ece23 chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
Ah, poor Aragorn! I love this story, you portray Aragorn and Gandalf really well :)
StarLight9 chapter 1 . 10/29/2008
This is so good, loved it! I enjoy seeing our ranger in all kinds of trouble and pain, but seeing him ill and feverish, all alone in the wilderness and then well cared for is one of my weaknesses :) I loved your description of Aragorn when the gatekeeper questions him - even though he is far from well, his eyes are intense and seem to stare directly at the man's soul. Shows that even when he is ill, he is still every bit the strong-willed man that he is. Gandalf was well portrayed, with his worry and his reaction to seeing Aragorn like that. Thanks for a great story!
iccle fairy chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
good story!
Calenlass Greenleaf chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
H/C! :D

And it's currently raining/snowing at my place, so this story fits the setting.

One thing: I don't think Gandalf would say "laddie." He probably would've just used "Aragorn," or "Estel."

Otherwise, you cheered me up! :)

Woodland Wanderer chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
That flu bug can sure be nasty! (I'm assuming that was the illness you had in mind when you wrote this.)

Well done Firefly-Maj! :)
