Reviews for Of Living
Quietshade chapter 6 . 11/20/2008
It was good and I wanted it to continue... but is ok but I really wanted to see Setsuna and Tieria reactions.
weeebooo chapter 6 . 11/20/2008
wow...this is brilliant. i love the interaction between neil and lyle here. brotherly love
mousek chapter 6 . 11/20/2008
You're the best! Your version of Lyle and Neil's relationship was very well thought out. I'm sad that chapter 6 is the last one, but I still enjoyed the story. The part about the car Neil sent Lyle made me fall over in my chair! If you ever visit any of the hundreds of Japanese Gundam 00 fan sites, the blog pages on some of these web sites brought up the interesting fact about the similarity of Neil's car in season one and Lyle's car in season two. You did a great job working that tidbit into this chapter. Also, thanks for answering my questions! My friends and I look forward to reading more Gundam 00 fan fics from you.
mousek chapter 5 . 11/13/2008
Lyle is not very open with his thoughts regarding his twin brother Neil, but this wonderful fanfic explains his thoughts in such a detailed manner that I was sucked into his world. I can't wait for your next installment. However, my two favorite parts of chapter five is when Lockon (Neil) asks Setsuna if he still drinking his milk and when Lyle tells Neil "I'm right here, Nii-san.". Will the rest of CB find out about Neil and I wonder if Setsuna will realize that he had been speaking to Neil not Lyle. Excellent Fan Fic!
Quietshade chapter 4 . 11/2/2008
an interesting AU, I like it and more now that lockon is awake, I just can't wait for the twins to face wach other, really nice.
College Fool chapter 4 . 11/2/2008
Now that I have some clue as to what's actually going on, this is getting much more interesting. First few chapters were a bit slow on their own, but now that there's a clear sense of progress, they work better.
weeebooo chapter 3 . 11/1/2008
i love this story. and a lyle-centric one also. i thought of him as a very interesting character. you just made him just more, ahaha!

keep it up...looking forward more chapters
Mangaka-chan chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
"I blame all the wonderful readers of LJ"

Guilty as charged. XD;;

It's great to see you're posting this story here as well. Now I get to add it to my favorites list. And remember, if you ever feel the urge to go further with this AU of your there will be people who are more than happy to read it. ;) *hinthint*