Reviews for Predestined 1x03 : No Rest For The Witches
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
OMG I really want emily and Wyatt to get together and if they dint I will be crushed
That70sshowlova chapter 8 . 5/18/2010
Yay! Yay! Yay, yay, yay! Chris is awake. He doesn't feel any pain. He's so much better! YAY!
That70sshowlova chapter 7 . 5/18/2010
YAY! I love clarence. I also liked how Cole was like "Me and Paige, Nope, I can't see it," Ha, me either.
That70sshowlova chapter 6 . 5/18/2010
I hope the assassin that the Source was talking to wasn't Bianca.
That70sshowlova chapter 5 . 5/18/2010
I do hope there is more Bianca. I also hope that Chris wakes up soon and that Jack gets vanquished.
That70sshowlova chapter 4 . 5/18/2010
Haha! Cole and Paige! That's unlikely. I also loved how Jack asked "When French people swear, Do they say, 'Pardon my English'?"
That70sshowlova chapter 3 . 5/18/2010
Ahh! Awesome chapter! Is that Henry Jr? I bet it is. I also loved the memories again. Especially "LEO WYATT GET YOUR ELDER ASS DOWN HERE, NOW!" Chris really does sound a lot like Piper doesn't he?
That70sshowlova chapter 2 . 5/18/2010
I like the memory you wrote. Very creative. I also like how much Melinda sounds like Piper when she's yelling.
That70sshowlova chapter 1 . 5/18/2010
I like this idea. It's been done before but I know you'll write it to where I'm anxious to read more.
Saffygirl chapter 9 . 5/14/2009
x.x I cannot remember who Damien is...

Awesome story though!
kerrianne42 chapter 9 . 11/26/2008
I think you are a very creative, talented writer! I enjoy reading your stories, and am looking forward to future ones!

I hate to be critical, it feels like I'm being negative, but I also know that critical feedback is helpful, so...

1) Get a beta, or else get a better one. There are a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors in your stories, and for some people, that is very distracting, in the wrong ways.

2) PHYSIC vs. PSYCHIC - Take a moment and look up the definitions for these two words. Because I think you're using "Medicine" when you probably mean "Person gifted with paranormal mental abilities". You ARE consistent though! :D

3) Did I mention you really need a good beta? ;)

4) Keep Writing!

5) I love your characters, but sometimes with the telepathy-means-using-others-abilities it seems that your characters are too powerful. With that kind of power, in theory, your witches are practically unstoppable. Perhaps some sort of limits on that power - and perhaps a different name? Telepathy has a distinct meaning (transmitting thoughts) that doesn't include using another's powers, so it's a little confusing.

6) Finally - the characters outlined on your profile seem awesome. Will we get to see all of them show up in your stories? The ones we've seen only briefly, will they have larger parts later too? I know it's gotta be like a zoo in your brain keeping track of all those characters, but they seem very interesting, and I (personally) am excited to see how they develop and interact with everyone else.

I look forward to more! :)

Thank you!

bookworm83 chapter 9 . 11/25/2008
Poor Kelsey!

Brilliant story can't wait for the next episode, will we get to find out more about what Jack's up to? oh not forgetting Cole, guess i'll just have to wait and see...!
laura chapter 9 . 11/24/2008
X-Rage chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
GREAT STORY! I can't wait for the next one. I absolutely love your writing style, and I never expected Kelsey to die. It seems so sad, but since you say she's gonna reappear ... well, I can at least hope for that.

Though one thing puzzles me. You probably knew Kelsey was going to die (duh, you're the author), but why would she be in your poll as a candidate for the couples? Unless of course, she was going to return to 'life' in a sense, and the closest thing I can think of for that would be a certain magical species Paige, Wyatt, Chris and Henry Jr technically belong to.

HAHA, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your stories, and whether I'm right about Kelsey!
purpleTEMPTATiONxx chapter 9 . 11/24/2008
no i liked kelsey :(

but honestly, i gotta say, that was one of the best endings (even if it was just for one ep) that ive ever read.
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