Reviews for One Good Turn
Danigirl84 chapter 3 . 1/14/2019
So this is an old question but Irene Adler A Scandal in Bohemia. The only woman to outsmart Holmes.
Victorie96 chapter 11 . 10/7/2018
Great, Good and all around awesome story! I love the friendship with Jen and McGee it so fresh and new that it is fun. Haven't read anything like this before. And I love that Jen wasn't the Director of NCIS, but was it for FBI. That sounds probable cause for her, actually more than where she originally was in canon.
I love that as the story progressed that McGee became more confident, and I love that trait in him.
It was fun that you made Tim set them up together, and I love the genuine feel. That it didn't sound forced. It was paced perfectly.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Mrs. 11th chapter 11 . 8/25/2013
I love this SO much! Definitely one of my favourite AUs. Jenny and McGee's friendship was fantastic, and I loved FBI Jenny.
Archived.FG97 chapter 11 . 6/25/2013
I loved it! :)
Zeki Young chapter 11 . 4/16/2012
Fantastic story, great AU using the FBI like that! Loved your characterisation of Fornell too, but overall loved what you created between Jen and McGee. I thought that was tremendously original to have her rescue him in a social situation and pretty much coach and mentor him in a way that Gibbs never would. Great work!
Ms.Chelle chapter 11 . 1/20/2012
Wow! That was great! I want little Jibblets!
madame.alexandra chapter 11 . 12/27/2009
My favourite AU, bar none. That was in a word, amazing. In a thousand words? Well, I'm speechless.
alix33 chapter 11 . 11/1/2009
"besides – she wants a pony now,” she said, smiling mischievously at him and slipping out of his embrace. “If you’ve brought her a pony you’re definitely on your own.” “I haven’t brought her a pony either – I promise. Wouldn’t want to send Fornell back to hospital.” - Hehehe.

“he wanted to know if I could get you pregnant so he could have a couple of months break.” He hadn’t really planned to repeat that comment, but since they were joking about Fornell it had just slipped out. When she didn’t reply straight away he turned to look at her. “I admire his optimism,” she said carefully, “but I doubt he’d survive the pregnancy hormones.” - Hehehe.

“So, we could talk about it?” she suggested, almost shyly. He couldn’t let that pass. “If we must, but I’m pretty sure talking alone isn’t what’s needed in this situation.” The comment made her roll her eyes" - Hehehe.
alix33 chapter 9 . 11/1/2009
“Well, I didn’t like her. You’ve never mentioned her before; I didn’t even know you knew anyone who worked at the FBI. I don’t like it when you keep secrets Timmy.” - You don't like him keeping secrets, you don't like him dating other women, yet you, Abigail Sciuto, do not want him yourself (or that is what you tell him). It's no good having a brilliant mind such as yours if you do not make it up occasionally. Your unmade-up mind is hurting Timmy and that is not nice!

"Fornell’s house seemed to have been taken over by small girls; they were wearing pyjamas, playing with each other’s hair and talking and giggling a lot. Gibbs recognised the signs. “Sleepover party?” He asked as Fornell answered the front door. “I promised Emily" - Poor Fornell! AND poor Uncle Gibbs, if his reaction to that sleepover party in "Red cell" was anything to go by.

"He...was suddenly very grateful that McGee was too loyal and too stubborn to abandon a friend." - Yay for Timmy!

"but he knew he lacked the words." - Yeah, hehehe, sometimes he does, we kind of got that from the way he used to stutter when he was still a baby probie on Team Gibbs.
alix33 chapter 8 . 11/1/2009
"As promised, this part is McGee heavy." - Not as heavy as he once was, you know, since he can now afford that personal trainer.

"everyone was keeping their distance. Everyone except McGee, who knew there wasn't anything he could do to avoid being the target for all that anger." - Poor Timmy!

"He was contemplating what to do about that when the sound of the elevator door opening broke the silence and the woman in question strode into the bull pen, flanked by two other agents. “Hubba hubba,” Tony murmured narrowing his eyes and watching her progress with interest. McGee swallowed, suddenly very glad that Gibbs had just gone for coffee – especially when she flashed a half smile in his direction." - DiNozzo, go and get knotted!

"I understand he was co-operating with one of your teams, I’ll be taking over in his absence.” - Oh dear...

“McGee?” Abby queried switching off the music. “Abby, this is a friend of mine – Jenny Shepard, Jenny – this is Abby Scuito, forensic scientist extraordinaire." “Tim’s told me a lot about you,” Jenny said, holding out her hand. “Well, McGee hasn’t mentioned you at all.” Abby replied, looking at the outstretched hand and then pointedly ignoring it, crossing her arms over her chest instead." - Oh no, not good...

"McGee had pulled himself up to his full height, he was looking Gibbs square in the eye" - Actually, McGee is one and a half inch taller than Gibbs, so he would be looking down at Gibbs just ever so slightly if he (McGee) pulled himself up to his full height.

"But then there were very few people in the world like Tim McGee." - And let the whole congregation say Amen to that, sister Jennifer!

"don’t make the mistake of trying to tell Tim how to chose his friends.” - did you mean for Jenny to say: "don’t make the mistake of trying to tell Tim how to choose his friends.” there?

"Gibbs looked back towards the lab and found McGee watching him. He didn’t know how much of that final encounter his junior agent had witnessed, though from his expression he guessed it was most of it. He didn't enjoy seeing what looked a lot like sympathy in McGee’s eyes. It wasn’t an emotion he had much time for and he stared back, throwing all of his experience of intimidation into it. Only something didn’t work; McGee didn’t crack. He just walked towards the elevator; leaving Gibbs standing in the corridor, asking himself what the hell had just happened." - YOU GO, Timmy!
alix33 chapter 7 . 11/1/2009
“McGee introduced you?” “Yeah,” “And you had no idea who she was?” Fornell chucked, “I’m feeling better – but you look sick.” - I know I'm now being horribly disloyal to NCIS and Team Gibbs, but I enjoyed that whole conversation before the bit I put in quotes above almost as much as Fornell did.

“Can we go home first, Uncle Gibbs? So I can get some toys?” “Aren’t I enough fun?” He asked, “there’s a whole boat for you to play with.” She bit her lip and looked up at him, quite seriously, before replying, “I like your boat – but girls like other things too you know.” Jenny almost laughed at how they interacted but then caught something in his expression that stopped her – only she couldn’t quite read what it was." - AW, at poor Gibbs thinking about Kelly there.

A slap to the back of his head was the first indication McGee had that Gibbs had arrived. He rubbed his head gingerly and tried to work out what he could possibly have done to anger the boss... “You need to chose better friends,” Gibbs hissed, “and never assume.” - Not fair, Gibbs!
alix33 chapter 6 . 11/1/2009
"Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tobias reach for his coat and pull it on. “You leaving?” He asked as he ended the call. “Yeah – madam is busy this evening so I have to go play nice with your colleagues – and you apparently have a better offer.” - Fornell will burst a blood vessel if he knew who Gibbs' better offer was from, hehehe.

“Food’s here,” “Is that Gibbs?” Tim asked. She could hear the smile in his voice and she found it hard not to reciprocate. “Er yes - we’re about to have dinner.” “You going to tell me about it on Sunday?” “Not a chance,” she heard him laugh before he bade her a jaunty goodbye." - Heck, if I EVER had the chance, I would go on dates with both Gibbs and Timmy, too. I think... just not with both of them simultaneously (or maybe I will...)...

"He ignored Tony’s squawk of outrage about what the probie had done to deserve coffee" - Nothing we will ever tell DiNozzo about or he will whine forever like a little snitch (to misquote Ziva slightly).
alix33 chapter 5 . 11/1/2009
"I don’t need to keep the gun, but letting it go is complicated.” “That why McGee wanted to help?” She smiled, half serious and half playful, “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask me about him.” “He said you were friends.” “There a question in there somewhere Jethro?” “McGee doesn’t normally hang out with Feds.” “As far as you know.” It was a good point – he knew a great deal about who McGee was, but not how he spent his time – or who with. “I bumped into him at a coffee shop some time ago – we got talking.” It was true, more or less and she really had no intention of explaining how she’d actually bumped into McGee. “I like him.” “He’s a good kid.” “You probably have no intention of telling him that – right?” “Nope.” - That is cruel, IMO, though I sort of get why Gibbs won't, but only sort of. Part of me still wishes he would communicate it to Timmy in some way.
alix33 chapter 3 . 11/1/2009
"They’d walked for a while and then found a small restaurant where they’d shared dinner" - What kind of restaurant (as in Tuscan, Calabrian, French Provencal, heck Ethiopian!)?

"He was going to have to find a way to introduce her to Gibbs." - You really want to do that, Timmy?
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