Reviews for Far Away
potatokarate chapter 17 . 12/10/2017
I love your story, and I know you've most likely abandoned it by now, but just in case you haven't, please update! I need to know what happens next!
Priya chapter 17 . 9/14/2016
OH LORD you're really making me HATE Christine right now :( PLEASE UPDATE
Guest chapter 17 . 4/17/2015
Please write more soon!
Soccerfan2014 chapter 17 . 1/26/2015
Please continue this story, it is great.
malaquadyne chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
It sounds good so far.
Guest chapter 17 . 10/29/2013
No, this story is to amazing to abandon! :( please please PLEASE update! This has yo be finished or I'll go insane!
I love it! Updaateupdateupdate! Pretty please with a cherry on to :)
Chick1966 chapter 17 . 8/1/2013
Update soon. very soon
Prevouslyknownasxocrazililkelo chapter 17 . 3/21/2013
I've really enjoyed this story .Christine is very realitable alot of highschools shows even when your popular you can still be an outsider which follows themes of themes of the book. I like how you took such a minor charchter and made her an infulence on Ponyboy's life .Its also funny reading about Ponyboy from a girls perpective about how much he looks like Sodapop since in the book Ponyboy states that his 'own looks are okay.' Great story!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/3/2013
Love this chapter.

"All I wanted—all I wanted that I could maybe have—was for Ponyboy to look at me and not see Cherry Valance."
I've said before, but I really love the comparisons between Christine and Cherry. I feel like it ties this story back to the time period of The Outsiders really well and reminds the readers where this all came from. The characters have matured a lot from who they were in The Outsiders, and you're dealing with two original characters in your lead, so this story starts to feel a little disconnected from the book, but things like these comparisons do a really nice job of tying it back.

I'm still a little confused by what happened with Curly and Ponyboy and David and Bobby. I've read it twice now and I still seem to be missing or glossing over something. I'm not sure I understand why Curly was there, and I think you could maybe define that a bit better.

I really like the way that Bobby reacts to the situation, and Christine's interpretation of it... that he's looking after her not because he cares but because he's supposed to, because she's a cheerleader and therefore his to look after.

I love David as a character too. He's a little flat, but I feel like that's just because Christine sees him as a little flat, and we're getting her bias in this fic. I really feel bad for David, though, especially there at the end. I love the way that you had him handle the situation. He's upset, but he's not angry. He confronts Ponyboy, but he doesn't really want trouble. He's firm and strong and respectful and really, everything a good boyfriend would be. It's too bad Christine couldn't like him, as I know she laments so often.

I love this in particular: "He pulled away after a moment and looked at me. Just stood there watching me for a long time while I stared back, stunned. Then he gave me a rueful smile, turned around, and walked back to the car without a word. And I knew he wouldn't call me again." Poor David.

I'm really struggling here, because I know you probably won't write any more, but this chapter leaves me wondering. It feels like a turning point chapter, so the fact that Christine didn't take it and let this push her the rest of the way to Ponyboy confuses me. I'm not sure if she just needs another push, or if the story is winding down from here, and it'll be a bitter ending where she never ends up being able to stand on her own and go to Ponyboy.

I'm really interested to see this finished. You might try looking at the story from a different perspective, such as a side fic or a series of one shots from Ponyboy or Two-Bit's or David's or even Melanie's POV. Maybe that could spark some inspiration for this again. Or try writing out of order, writing the next big scene you want to write and then working backward until you've filled in the gap. One thing that helps me sometimes, too, is to go back to the chapters I've already written and make edits and revise them and reacquaint myself with the characters.

I'm not sure if you're still reading fics on here, but you could also try reading some others that might inspire you. I mentioned When Wrong Meets Right, which I really think could spark some creativity, and also Some Blue December's Curly fics remind me a bit of this in terms of the social classes and the battle between wanting the boy and the comfort of your familiar friends. Christine and Lucy Jane are really different characters in terms of personality, but the basic premise is similar enough that I think those could help push you. You never have to write another story again, but you really should finish this one out, even if it's not perfect. You can always go back and revise and make it better, but the first step is just to get it out.

Just out of curiosity, are you majoring in professional or creative writing or anything? The way you write feels very natural and enchanting, so I'm just curious if you're making a career of the talent or if it's just a hobby.

Hope to see you back at some point (in the near future).
Guest chapter 16 . 2/3/2013
"And that was that. Not one word about last night, not even a simple How are you feeling? I rubbed my aching temples, watched her take a bite of her cereal, and wondered why Ponyboy Curtis seemed to care more about me than she did."
This is one of those moments where I really feel like Melanie is mischaracterized, and I'm not sure if it's just Christine's author bias or if you actually intend for me to be upset with Melanie as a character. I actually think that this whole scene shows how much Melanie does care about her friend. From her point of view, her friend ditched her at a party without saying bye or telling her she was leaving, but instead of saying "forget her, then," and going to her own bed, she still came back to Christine's to keep up her cover. If she didn't care about Christine, she could have left her holding the bag to explain why Melanie wasn't there in the morning, and if Christine's parents found out she was at a party and grounded her, oh well. Instead, she's spending her morning following through, despite the fact that Christine left her without a word.

"He must have thought I was so stupid—letting my friends get me drunk, acting like one of those girls I knew he didn't like."
I love that Christine really is upset not because of anything Ponyboy did but because she feels like Ponyboy is disappointed in her, or turned off by her. I think she knows, really, that he didn't do anything wrong.

"I set my jaw angrily. 'Girls like me? What does that mean—nice girls or Soc girls?'
'Both.' He was unfazed."
I love that Ponyboy doesn't even react to this. Christine might get worked up, but to him, it's reality, so it's not worth getting so upset over.

I love Melanie and Christine's argument at the end of this. I think it's easy to see where Melanie is coming from. Truthfully, how can Christine expect Melanie to listen to her if she won't talk? I think Melanie is probably hurt that Christine hides so much from her. If you ever finish this fic, I'm really curious to see how she reacts if things between Christine and Ponyboy get more serious. I can't see her turning her back on Christine. Not fully.

Have you ever read When Wrong Meets Right by Stratusfied247?
It reminds me a lot of your story, actually. Something about the way that it's written... both your story and that one are very visual and I think both stories feature really strong characterization and dialogue. Plus, they're both unfinished, which kills me a little bit every day. :)
IAmOnlyMe chapter 15 . 2/3/2013
"So I forced a sip of beer—and the retort on the tip of my tongue—down my throat and said nothing."
Great line. You sense the way that Christine's dissatisfaction with her friends has grown through this fic.

I love the whole chapter here, for a variety of reasons. First, I really appreciate the way the Soc and greaser conflict has evolved since The Outsiders. You write this strange tension really well, where the two groups are definitely still divided, but it's much more subtle and tricky than it was. They can talk, they can even be friendly and go to parties together, but there are still these lines that you aren't supposed to cross. It's really very complex, and I love that Christine is questioning how silly these arbitrary rules are through the fic.

Second, I love the way that Ponyboy treats her at this party. He's looking out for her, but you're seeing all of this through her tipsy mind. There are always these moments when you're drunk where you might be vaguely aware that people are talking about you but you're too out of it and your attention span is so short that you can't really focus on what's happening or what they're saying. I feel that same sense in this chapter. I want to know what Ponyboy knew about Kevin. I also get this feeling that he may have overheard Cherry and some of Christine's friends talking about her, and I'm really curious what they would have said.

I also appreciate that Christine just tells him where her spare key is hidden, no thoughts or reservations about it. I feel like that's a mix of the alcohol and her trust in Ponyboy.

Also love that he did leave, without a word, when she asked him to. He's not going to push her to deal with him. I feel like that's a very boyish reaction. He keeps his thoughts and feelings close to his chest.
IAmOnlyMe chapter 14 . 2/3/2013
"Meanwhile, I handled my problems the way my mother had taught me. I pretended they weren't there."
Love love this. Such a perfect way to picture her family and how different they are from the Curtis family.

I also really like how perceptive Two-Bit is. He's so attuned to people, like the way he asks Christine why she expects people to read her mind. I feel like that fits perfectly with her personality and all the mixed signals that she gives Ponyboy without even realizing she's doing it. And she is a little egocentric, pinning her problems on Ponyboy and everything.

"Two-Bit looked at me sharply. 'Hey, whoa. Your problems ain't his bag right now.'"
I love the way that Two-Bit deals with Christine. He's friendly and sincere, but his loyalties lie with Ponyboy. You can see his bias so clearly and it's refreshing and truly in character for him, I think. It's not all Christine's fault, the way things are going with Ponyboy. They're both mucking this up, but Two-Bit isn't concerned with how it affects Christine or what Ponyboy is doing wrong, because he's his friend and he's going through a hard time, so that's it. I think your Two-Bit is my favorite Two-Bit that I've read on this site. Your Ponyboy too, for that matter, but I haven't read very many Ponyboy fics.

"'Then we have to sneak out,' Melanie said promptly as the bell rang and the hall was filled with the sounds of lockers slamming and friends saying goodbye to each other. She said it the way I might say, 'It's supposed to rain tomorrow.'"
Haha. I love Melanie's character, I really do, flaws and all.

"'Christine was just lookin' for you, Dave-o,' said Two-Bit. When I glanced at him, he shrugged.
I love this, too, because as much as Two-Bit might think Christine is messing with Ponyboy, he's not going to cause her any trouble. He's really a good guy.

"'We'll both be there,' Mel said firmly, squeezing my arm. 'Don't worry.'"
I think Melanie is a good person at heart. She is looking out for Christine in the only way that she really knows how. She's trying to help her, even if it may not always be the kind of help that Christine wants or needs.
IAmOnlyMe chapter 13 . 2/2/2013
"Two-Bit prodded my elbow to ensure he had my attention; we both knew he couldn't grab me, even by the arm, because of his hair and his jacket and his beat-up cowboy boots."
Love. This story breaks my heart a little bit.

I love that Christine is so biased. She thinks Ponyboy is giving mixed signals? Ha! She's definitely not the queen of communication.
IAmOnlyMe chapter 12 . 2/2/2013
"I rolled onto the couch and stared glumly at my pants-clad legs. No going out meant I could wear whatever I wanted, and I chose to lounge around the house in pants because I knew my mother didn't like them."
I really enjoy the little notes like these that help ground this fic in the sixties. It's nice to see the thought put into keeping it appropriate.

I love the parallels and comparisons you draw between Cherry and Christine. I wonder what Ponyboy thinks about the two of them.

I've never thought about Ponyboy has dreamy until this fic. You write him really well, and I can see why Christine is swooning over him.
IAmOnlyMe chapter 11 . 2/2/2013
I really like that this is written in first person POV and the way that it's written shows Christine's biases. You know that you're not getting a completely objective or accurate picture of events, but you sort of figure it out along the way. And I know she's confused over Ponyboy's actions, but I'm just as confused as she is. I think you could write a great side story, or at least a one shot or two, that show some of this from Ponyboy's POV.
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