Reviews for Something Missing from Me
LadyGrelka chapter 23 . 10/7/2018
Damn, why do most people have to make the Volturi soo evil, I know that in the books they are more on the side of evil but not nearly as bad as they made them in the movies and a lot of fanfiction writers seem to follow how the Volturi where in the movies. I just think Aro is a bit to power hungry, but there is more to him then that, it was just never developed. But ohh well, this is still a good story so far. I do think you should have this beta read and edited, its good but it would be better if it was beta read and cleaned up, I know its old but its never too late lol.
kendellkurrus chapter 27 . 1/24/2016
O.o Woah...
kendellkurrus chapter 13 . 1/23/2016
134340 chapter 18 . 8/26/2015
Oh Wow Jacob you're melodramatic is it the hormones? lol
mariahernandezperez26 chapter 31 . 7/31/2015
Awesome story it was a total success
Guest chapter 3 . 3/16/2015
The POV's seem more like dairy entries in that they are so vague. It would be nice if each POV had more to it then the simple short paragraphs you have. I am enjoying reading it though, it's new and different from others I've read.
Maj Min Qui chapter 23 . 8/10/2014
I love this story honestly but Jacob's a real bi*ch in this story.
But like I said this story was written well and I love it.
RorylovesDoctor chapter 3 . 5/29/2014
that amazing, i love
CentauRita chapter 22 . 1/8/2014
Nice names for the babes.
CentauRita chapter 21 . 1/8/2014
So much sadness. Not a healthy environment.
CentauRita chapter 20 . 1/8/2014
Too many...I hate yous, I'm gonna kill not good for anyone...careful what you wish for.
CentauRita chapter 19 . 1/8/2014
Married? OMG! and Jake said...'Yes!'
CentauRita chapter 18 . 1/8/2014
So sad for Edward.
CentauRita chapter 17 . 1/8/2014
Wow, now that's some news Jacob preggers, Wow!
CentauRita chapter 16 . 1/8/2014
Things are getting more complicated than ever!
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