Reviews for The Sleeping Sickness
Riley chapter 13 . 5/31
I enjoyed reading this story. But sometimes the scenes between snaps and Harry felt too cheesy. I mean it takes some time to warm up to someone u hated for 5 years straight and here in like 2 weeks they are already hugging and comforting each other. It's too out of character for both of them
Guest chapter 20 . 5/3
I found this story yesterday. I read it the half night long. And like it very much. You describe the characters really wonderful.
xxxliesjee chapter 20 . 12/19/2019
Loved the story. :)
hollybridgetpeppermint chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
Hello! I'm going to review as well as PM you in case you check one more frequently than the other or something. I'm in the process of creating ebooks of some of my favorite fanfics in order to have access to them on my Kindle when I'm offline, and I included "The Sleeping Sickness". I wondered if you wanted me to give you access to the ebook, for whatever purposes you choose :) If so, let me know, and we can discuss how best to give it to you!
ur slipper chapter 19 . 5/21/2019
ur slipper chapter 6 . 5/21/2019
silky jacob chapter 9 . 4/6/2019
Its adorable,heartwarming to see snape and harry like this.
I feeel like twinkling too like dumbledore at snapes denial for his innermost feelings
sj chapter 7 . 4/6/2019
really snape is so nice that he comforted harry while he was having nightmare.
it was so sad that the dursleys had treated him so badly that he was starved for affection.
it was a really superb chapter
Rowena-Moon-Moon chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
This is an amazing fic. I've always found Snape hard to write in these types of stories but you wrote him perfectly.
Bele chapter 20 . 5/26/2018
Thank you very much for writing this story!
LeoESerpens chapter 20 . 5/1/2018
Great fic! Thank you for such an enjoyable read
Sharklist6285 chapter 12 . 3/8/2018
I like this story, but Severus seems a little ooc here. one of the worst/best things about him is that he is stubbornly obstinate. He lets things go very easily here, which is ok, but I highly doubt he would just "decide to follow his heart for once." that's all, though considering this story is short, if you want to rush the relationship a little, that's fine.
darkpheonix31 chapter 6 . 10/31/2017
When has Snaoe ever saved Harry's life? I don't count the quidditch match because any teacher should have done the very taxing ability of saying a countercharm under their breath and the fact Harry was able to stay on the broom was never determined to be Snape's doing. He was useless second year and tried to have Sirius killed third year and was unconcious when the werewolf attacked. His terrible occulemency lessons left Harry unprepared to defend against Voldemort's vision and it seeemed to take him an inordinate amount of time to send for help at the Ministry. Snape is a really terrible person who is so intimidating that he is Neville's greatest fear. You write him as more sympathetic and patient then in canon and seem to make it Harry's fault that Snape is "misunderstood".
Leopard1 chapter 12 . 6/19/2017
Oh my word! This story gets better every time I read it. As I continue further in, I seem to find new favorite parts. The end of chapter 12 breaks my heart for the characters and makes me feel so bad because Snape knows he has to do the hardest thing imaginable minus killing Harry: abandon him in order to save him.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/22/2017
No offense, but your story is medically inaccurate. Someone with an infection (what you've been calling 'blood poisoning') will have a fever-raised body temperature. They may feel cold or have 'the chills' due to the fever, but this is misleading. Putting the victim in a hot bath is the last thing you'd want to do. If their fever is high enough the heat from the bath could push their body temperature up and could cause brain damage, convulsions, or death.
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