Reviews for Intertwined
tiCocoChanelle chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
AngieSG chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
aw... This is the most romantic thing I've EVER read! Every single line adds to the pictures and scenes that your words create. I can see everything so vividly playing in my mind and you managed to portray Eric & Calleigh perfectly. I've never read anything like it before. Perfect...perfect in every way.
secretfunnelcake chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
this was such a beautiful story, i had to read thru it twice:)You explained each emotion, every moment with such tremendous detail. but you also worded it in such a way that it sounded perfect, there was nothing i wouldve changed. easily my favorite CSI Miami fanfic. keep it up. :D
Ell chapter 1 . 1/7/2009
Thank you, this is a beautiful story - if only...
Nemisses chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
CarolinaDawn chapter 1 . 12/22/2008
Ah... this was so very nice. I love the gentleness with which Eric treated Calleigh, from the soft kisses he placed in her hair, to the gentle way he traced patterns on her wrist and palm, to the equally gentle imperceptible way in which he coaxed Calleigh to talked to him.

I loved, loved, loved this:

Tonight was about needing something she wasn't ready to ask for, but receiving it from someone who knew exactly what that something was anyway.

That's our Eric. He knows Calleigh better than anyone else, probably better than she knows herself. Just like the line in the story, he's always there..."When he said he was there, he was there."
Audrey2419 chapter 1 . 12/22/2008

I'm a bit behind on my reviewing, but I wanted to say how wonderful and needed this post-ep was. I could imagine something like this happening after Eric and Calleigh left the lab. It was obvious in the episode that Eric wanted to comfort her, and really, who else would Calleigh go to to let her guard down?

"To her, it seemed almost unfair – she'd only had to wonder for mere seconds if he felt this now, but Eric had wondered for months, maybe even years whether or not she returned his feelings of adoration turned into infatuation turned into…love."

I loved that line. It really encompasses the change in their relationship and Calleigh's realization of it.

Great Job!

RedSwirl99 chapter 1 . 12/19/2008
Alright, alright, so I cried... hey, it's your fault! You write so beautifully, it couldn't be helped.
cinnimonforever4 chapter 1 . 12/17/2008
I love the depth at which you wrote the explanations of their feelings! This was so sweet! Exactly what I needed to take a break from studying for midterms! Great job!
forgotten favorite chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
Great story. Beautiful portrayal of the emotions Calleigh was feeling! Great job!
Jackie chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
omg! this story is like 2 amazing!

Well...I was going to write a whole review in that style, but I just can't do it! It burns. Anywizzle (that's 'anyway' using colloquial gangsta endings), I don't think I can say much of anything not already said, but this was just what the ep was missing. I couldn't help but think of sweet tea the entire beginning of the story (a little voice in the back of my head kept telling me it was sweet tea, but I think Calleigh would be more likely to make that than Eric's mom)

Eric's attentiveness was wonderful! I love that you didn't put sex in even though you could definitely have justified it (and it would have been just as good). It just warms you from the inside out, and considering yesterday's high temp, that's probably a good thing...
calleighsthebest chapter 1 . 12/15/2008
wow! this is amazing!
christiangirliemiranda chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
Okay, first of all, I so cried! It was so romantic how Eric just wanted to take care of her! And to tease us with all the kissing! :) It was so sweet how Eric wanted to wait for the right time! I so love this story! Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
Completely fabulous as always. I always get excited when I see that you've posted something. This was no exception.

I love how considerate Eric is of Calleigh and of how much he put her needs above his. This is so in canon, character-wise. Eric has changed a great deal since being shot and you've illustrated exactly how much. The old Eric might have paused; might have hesitated, but in the end it would have been "Little Eric" that probably would have dictated (no pun intended) the course of events. This shows how much Eric has grown as a person. Now our in canon Calleigh needs to be brought to meet him. You did this in your story. I just hope the writers do it as tenderly on the show.
somethingsdont chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
Aw, I love when one of them comforts the other, especially in bed. ;)

This was perfect. The events of Wrecking Crew obviously affected Calleigh greatly, and I like the way you showed it here, especially how she opened up to Eric about it. Not only does she want him to stay with her, she trusts him enough to talk about the things that were haunting her. I always love the way you write their implicit trust.

Eric's whole "not tonight" thing was incredibly sweet, because yeah, of course he didn't want to do something either of them would regret in the morning. I think you handled that really well. Not that it's surprising, of course. ;)

Anyway, loved this! Wrecking Crew was sorely missing some EC-in-bed-comfort.

Now that your finals are over, you need to write the events of "eventually." :D
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