Reviews for And It Started With A Crush?
bitterbeauty813 chapter 11 . 10/3/2012
I feel bad for Roxas at the end! Please update when you can!
bitterbeauty813 chapter 10 . 9/23/2012
I love the story so far! I cant wait for more! Please update soon!
Quinn96 chapter 10 . 12/26/2010
Ah, another chapter, finally! Haha. Do you realize that this was posted two years to the day from when you started this? I find that quite a feat. And Cindy really is kind of like a younger Larxy... Very strange.

I can't stand the suspense! Demyx being kidnapped is just terrible. They need to find him, and soon. Zexion is far too much of an emo kid without him. Haha.

Well, my dear, I'm so very happy with the new chapter. And anything you want beta'd, send my way. I can do it, I swear! I'm not a complete and total lazy bum. Most of the time. XD

Keep writing, love!
blood as soft as silk chapter 9 . 8/13/2010
Ahhh That must have been Riku! D8 Damn him! Now he knows Roxas is a boy! He must be involved with the heartless! xD Aww but poor Demyx! It must suck to be Larxene though. No technology for her. Lol Thanks for the update!
SarahXxUnlovedxX chapter 9 . 8/1/2010
I freaking love this story!

'A quick glance around gave me nothing, and I didn't have time to look for longer than a second or two before my attention was taken back to the fight. That didn't stop me from trying again, and then, I saw something, and my eyes narrowed. Silver? Silver, and a cat's smirk. I edged my feet closer, trying to inspect it further-' Is Riku involved with the Heartless?
Laura Ash chapter 9 . 7/31/2010
I love where the plot is going so far, to me this story is just pure awesomeness. I really hope Demyx is going to be ok. You've got a livejournal, that's cool, but I'm having some trouble finding your profile
Tori Paige chapter 9 . 7/30/2010
I loved it! It was so awesome. The plot is going well! Aww poor Demyx. Please continue!
blood as soft as silk chapter 8 . 7/25/2010
I'm soo glad this got updated! I love this story! 3 Lol poor Sora, i guess i can understand though, I burn incense all the time and my siblings complain constantly. Wow, i can't believe they took Demyx. Thanks for the update!~
Tori Paige chapter 8 . 7/5/2010
It was awesome. So suspenseful on this last chapter. Please continue 3
AllSheNeedsIsLove chapter 8 . 6/29/2010
Oh god. I hate cliffhangers. Update soon
SarahXxUnlovedxX chapter 8 . 6/29/2010
This is so good! Most of it amused me to no end. I really wanna know what Axel's reason for burning down that town was.

Dx is Demyx gonna be okay? And why don't Riku and Zexion get along? (although I know you aren't gonna answer any of the questions until they get put in the story xP)

I love this story.
XKHEspanolFreakX chapter 7 . 1/16/2010

poor roxy getting hurt by axel!

u so have to finishes this! its worth it!
syrini chapter 7 . 12/13/2009
Love the story! Can't wait for an update! _
Namine Rose25 chapter 7 . 9/2/2009
i loved the part where Sora fainted when he saw the lamp
PhoenixDash chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
It's not a little what you'll do for the guy to like you back. Myslef has never experienced something like that, but I haven't been inlove either so I think it all explains why not.

Even though I don't think Riku is all that hot (I'm more into the more blond, blue eyed, /innocent/-looking, like Roxas) I can understand why Roxas would go through all that trouble to Riku to notice him.

Well, until next chapter!

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