Reviews for Christmas Pudding
JanuaryLestrange chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
That was adorable, but I’m in a hotel room at 3 am and now I really want some pudding.
WillowWand49 chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
Just stumbled across this story which I read once some years ago - thrilled to discover it again; such a yummy story. Thanks, X Willow
pewterlocket chapter 1 . 9/27/2013
Caries alert - very funny.

Enjoyed the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Reading this story made me hungry. :-(
Marble Meadow chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
OOooohh. Groans. Sounded right proper that did! 3
L chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Well, I certainly recognised Goody Gostelow from Mary Stewart's Thornyhold! And I really liked how tightly you packed them in to Grimmauld Place. I felt almost claustrophobic reading it!

A confession: I have never quite reconciled Alan Rickman's version of Severus Snape with my own image of Severus, developed from many readings of the books. My image is close to Alan's but not quite the same, and there is a bit of Mary's Merlin in my vision of him.

You can respond to my comment at keeping_up at shaw dot ca, if you want to.
firelordazulas chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
Aw, then end brought a tear to my eye :( You should definately epand on this story; write a prequel about how they ended up living togther like that or continue it to when they get found and captured and what happens then. It has brilliant promise.
Sioned136 chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Saila chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
It's 1 AM here in my country and you made me so HUNGRY! I don't have Severus so I can't enjoy puddings without getting fat! Unfair! XD I like your Severus, a caring and delicate one.
MoreThanSirius chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
Squee! I'm on a search for SSHG Christmas tales and I'm delighted to have found this one! It's absolutely yummy in every way. In fact, I beginning to think we need to do a sequel to the Food Porn quiz! Severus reading a cookbook is completely sigh-worthy.
Geraldine Hake chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
I think that, rather irrelevantly, my favorite line was Hermione's description of Severus's "tea-stained" teeth. It showed her impartiality to trivial things, like beauty, and also how well she loves her husband. I found that this passage painted a very revealing and true picture of her character.

Thank you. My appetite has been so well satiated that my stomach feels just as magically satisfied as all of theirs!
wallyflower chapter 1 . 2/7/2009
You know, I love your writing, I really do. But please be more careful about your ratings. That bit about tangled limbs and Draco, Harry and Ginny does NOT come under "K" or "suitable for most ages."
sunsethill chapter 1 . 2/2/2009
Obviously, I am WAY behind on my reading. This was great fun-but as always you have now gotten me terribly interested in this little window on your new world. How did Remus and Tonks survive? What happened to get Kingsley replaced? Harry, Ginny and Draco? Hannah and Luna, eh? You had some fun with this, but I can also see the seeds of disaster in DH's epilogue which didn't make me surprised that things could have gone so bad so fast. Dare I say I would like more of this story? ;-)
sqHPfan chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
the part of the story I enjoyed was the fluffy one, with everyone getting all the Christmas sweets and puddings imaginable. I really loved many of your HP stories, and I am still waiting for the next update of your Ratatouille story, but I couldn't quite connect to this one. I just can't see the threesome of Harry, Ginny and Draco of all people and George, Neville and Luna being gay? it is just too far out there for me. sorry! I prefer stories that are closer to canon.
stillneedaname chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
This was a great fluff story. I loved how you kept all my favourite characters alive. I can't imagine them all living in the same house. I could read a full length novel about that. I don't have a favourite line but I love how the pudding came out of the book at the end. And reading it in the present tense was interesting too. Nice job. Can't wait for you to share more with us.
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