Reviews for Kasuto's Redemption
Armasyll chapter 68 . 5/8
I loved this story :v thank you for writing it, friend
Armasyll chapter 37 . 5/4
Yes :v this is perfect :v the story could end here and I'd be happy V:
HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed chapter 67 . 2/1/2019
I am pretty picky about what i read. but recently i havent found anything that meets my taste. So on a whem I looked at your story dispite the summary, which originally turned me off, and started listening to it on text to speech during my run. I can happily say that I have been pleasantly suprised. My only petpeev is that Ilia speeks like a farm girl. but once i got past that I found it well written and immersive. 8/10.
Ld5 chapter 68 . 6/15/2018
It's beautiful
abbzworld chapter 68 . 4/20/2018
... Holy. CRAP! That was SOOOOOO awesome!

Everything about this story is spot on. From the characters to the plot to how you wove the Zelda games together to the different twists and turns to the ending. EVERYTHING worked amazingly!

Things I especially loved are how flawed and human you made Link, the romance between him and Midna that wasn't overdone but was still present, the character arc of Atrayu and her relationship with Colin and of course, how the Wind Waker game played into this, especially in the epilogue.

Kari himself is a great character with believable reactions, relationships, personality and such as well.

And despite how long it took me to properly read and finish all 68 chapters, it was WELL worth it!

Keep up the amazing work! :D

PS. I wouldn't mind reading a prequel from you, but it's up to you whether or not you write it. :)
abbzworld chapter 66 . 4/19/2018
...Welp, when you said that this chapter would be intense, you were RIGHT!

Holy CRAP, that was AMAZING! In a very sad and bittersweet way, of course.

I'll save all my thoughts and feelings til I've properly finished the whole story, but for now, I just want to tell you...

abbzworld chapter 63 . 4/18/2018
Gods, things don't look good do they...

And I wanted to cry because of what happened to Atrayu... You were absolutely right in how her character evolved. She was one of my favorites... :(
abbzworld chapter 60 . 4/16/2018
...That... That was so beautiful... :')

And YES! Eidel's recovered! :D I've actually come to really like her. :)
abbzworld chapter 56 . 4/14/2018
This is getting REALLY good! All the revelations, twists and turns you've thrown at us are AMAZING! :D

And I'm glad Colin's behavior is changing... at least a little bit. :)
abbzworld chapter 49 . 3/21/2018
So sad, yet quite amusing as well. I especially liked the part where the pots reappeared. XD

Can't wait to keep reading. :)
abbzworld chapter 47 . 3/20/2018
...Well, this sucks. :(
abbzworld chapter 42 . 3/18/2018
...Well crap. This just keeps getting worse and worse... :(
abbzworld chapter 41 . 2/26/2018
...Link... What's your problem? I KNOW you have lots of stuff on your mind, but that's no excuse to lash out at people like this! :(
rockyroad69 chapter 68 . 7/28/2016
All I can say is... a gritty final fantasy style adventure meets Zelda is an amazing combination! XD

Jokes aside, this was an amazing story. I'm glad I persisted and read this. A thousand gratitudes for this gift of a fanfiction. Characters.. especially the characters. Not to mention the exposition of the lore. The setting and themes. Although I felt there were one too many deus ex machinas to render everything full circle, it was insanely easy to close one eye and look past it to see the other amazing attributed this story has.

I loved it all.
kishinokurobi chapter 68 . 5/11/2016
Wow. What a masterpiece. This story brought back some great nostalgic feelings of reading fantasy growing up.

I'm not going to be able to give a well-structured review of my feelings without taking hours of my time, so I'll just bullet point my feelings and thoughts.

-It kinda feels... off... when things go awry RIGHT when the characters start being happy. It happens like clockwork the entire story, until it became extremely predictable. Kari gets married? Gut punch within 30 seconds. Link and Zelda get over their differences? They don't even make it back to one of their rooms for make-up sex. (The best kind!)

So when Link couldn't finish the conversation with his mother before she was stabbed into a coma I wasn't even remotely surprised.

-Speaking of that scene: I found it kinda odd how link didn't notice the necklace and connect the dots instantly like I did. He learned about the dragon scale from Atrayu, and then suddenly the dragon is gone and there's this old lady wearing a dragon scale necklace? He's literally already seen someone turn into a dragon, so it can't even be a matter of not knowing it's possible.

-I was going to ask why there was so little boning the night before the final battle, but then I remembered you were working with a T rating.

-Why didn't Kari's father tell him that all they needed to do was not open the tower?

-Also once the tower was open when did Mudora get in? He even was in front of them. How could that happen?

-If his plan was to be defeated why did Tifa need to go back in time? Getting Dark to make sure Link can't overcome him makes sense if his plan was literally anything else, but it wouldn't have made his threat seem not real if he didn't and therefore it only lowered the chances for success.

-Hell, for his plan to be optimally successful he should've had his forces also try and fight Scorpio as they approached, losing the battle outside, and been "this close" to unlocking his full power when they got to him. The current version only makes sense if he knew link had the fierce deity's mask. (Which he didn't seem to and couldn't have anticipated.)

As it is if Link didn't get the mask, either Ganon would've gotten the tri-force and fucked his plan over, or he would've defeated everyone and killed almost everyone in the world. (Accomplishing none of his objectives while killing millions. Basically the worst-case scenario.)

Hell, as it is his plan's success isn't very different than it was before. Most of the population wasn't involved at all, and thus won't learn anything from what happened. Even if they did, within a generation or two they're back to phase one.

I feel like his 'build a new world from the ashes of this one' plan was much more well thought out and compelling. Making his admission of this being his 'true plan' is either an outright lie meant to make him look/feel better or a poorly thought out addition/twist.

-I was hoping Tingle would be the spirit sage. He's the hero Hyrule doesn't need, want nor deserve, but is damned well getting anyway.

-Don't let any of the above stuff think I didn't love or enjoy your story. There were a lot of great plot-twists and awesome characters, and I'm just going to assume that stupid change of plans was just the blood loss.

-I'm going to PM you about the lore.

-God dammit Link, stop going off on your own! Midna needs to invest in a nice leash.

-Also coulda used a bit more LinkxMidna fluff. (Or a lot.)

-Honestly I think a little more fluff could have helped the pacing of the story in the middle points.


The awesome following 400k words almost made me forget, but I was so close to abandoning this story around chapter 8. Colin is neat and all, but taking 21 chapters to introduce both characters involved in the main pairing, and 12 to introduce the main character is insane. That's like an entire novel to introduce link.

Okay, I'm done. Ignore any typos, my browser is fucking up with my typing something fierce and I can't catch them all.

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