Reviews for Dreamer's Oath
RaptorDaRaptor chapter 40 . 1/27/2016
I'll admit I was drawn in instantly by the story idea and the good writing.

The fight scenes with Grievous were off somehow and his tactics involving warfare were lacking. The flashbacks with yeiro and friends, at least at first, were a bit boring compared to the cyborg's antics. It did get a lot better though around 3/4 into the fic. Grievous's personality change sped up a bit much in the Wolfmen area.

Now the best thing about this fic is how spot-on Grievous is! This is the best Grievous fic I've read! The characters are relatable, other characters were great (Count and Ventress especially), the character progression is spetacular! I loved your Grievous and Count/Ventress/Altea (or whatever her name is) bickering. The ending was emotional and realistic.

Overall this fic is great! One of the best I've read.
Cooljoe64 chapter 2 . 9/26/2013
What's with all the 3/4s?
PsychoPanda chapter 41 . 12/21/2012
very nicely written i loved it!
LuluCalliope chapter 3 . 6/30/2012
The 3/4 fraction is throwing me off a lot, but aside from that, this is arguably one of my favorite Star Wars stories. It's officially on my favorites list!
LuluCalliope chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Excellent beginning! Fantastic! What else can I say? Great work!
CreativeName chapter 41 . 6/21/2011
This was a wonderfully well written piece, an amazing portrayal of Grievous and all other characters.

I seriously cried when I read the epilogue while listening to Life and Death
TheLazyDrawn chapter 41 . 1/17/2011
Wow... i cant believe its over.

But its so great, i mean like Epic great. God i'll miss this!

chapter 40 was sad as hell, seriusly i almost cried. But it was also a great way to end it. same goes for the epilog.

Hope to see something else from you soon.

see ya
Charlie B.Barkin chapter 41 . 1/14/2011
So...she's alive and escaped and Grievous thinks she's death?Well, it's better this way...I have to say that I'm very, very surprise that you follow, somehow, the the battle of Hypori...If the story was real I wouldn't believe in that, he was a very cold warrior on that time, bloody Dooku miserable, least I'm very grate that there was someone who actually meet the real side of Grievous, his Kalee 's to hard to believe that you have been doing the fic for four years, but an epic story takes time, the time really pass fast when we enjoy something.I enjoyed this fic very much, IT is the best General Grievous fic ever...excellent, wonderful, awesome fic.I hope you can let me know if you're going to do some other fic of SW or any of movies, but I'm sure you want to take a rest, it's been a pleasure Nyhratak, I salute will miss you updates, good luck on your next the force be whit you...always.
Charlie B.Barkin chapter 40 . 1/8/2011
I'm glad,but I would be even more happy if you don't kill Athela,I'm kinda getting scared about this it's so sad that the fic is ending.I don't know if I want to know how it ends...good work...
The Reader chapter 29 . 12/22/2010
Man,i'm becoming a fan of your job.I re4ally hate Ventress,by the way...
The Reader chapter 28 . 12/22/2010
This is really great man,and it's getting even better.
The Reader chapter 27 . 12/22/2010
Wow,i've never seen such great Oc and GG interaction before,awesome fic.
barnowls625 chapter 39 . 12/19/2010
oooooohhhhhhh this is getting good! couldn't stop reading it was so awesome! i like how you added that awkward scene btwn Grievous and Athela. That was so funny! well thanks for writing this and can't wait for the next chapter ! bye!
crilio101 chapter 39 . 12/19/2010
OMG! love it! been lookin for something like this forever! grievous is my favorite character ! this is by far the best fanfiction ever ! keep up the good work and cant wait until the next chapter!
blizz chapter 38 . 11/25/2010
omg...this story is getting good! you made grievous as bad and awsome as possible! plz write more...I find this story rather inreuging. :D
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