Reviews for Serendipity
LimitedEternity chapter 3 . 6/27/2019
I wasn't expecting genjutsu in this setting! Totally threw me for a loop, but figures that Sasuke would notice. I really wonder about Lina's reasons here.
alonemachine chapter 8 . 11/4/2018
That was nothing like I thought it would be and that’s good. More than good even. Unexpected in the very best sense. Thank you for the story)
Goldglow chapter 8 . 4/17/2017
This is one of the best stories I've ever read. I totally have to favourite it and you. I ask for one thing though, SEQUEL!
EmeraldBlossom17 chapter 8 . 4/14/2017
AWWWW loved it
me chapter 8 . 10/29/2016
A really great story!
I liked how there was so little romance in this other than the crush on Sasuke(which I'm THRILLED she overcame in the last chapter), and the cute little thing with Kiba in the end there.
I love how you write the characters and their views in to the story, and how they grow and change throughout.
I truly adore the "open" ending there, with Kiba rating her based not only on her look, but on her personality as well. It seems there could be a possibility for romance between the two of them, but at the same time we know he's leaving Japan.. It's kind of bittersweet.
Anyway, LOVED the story! Thanks for a great and fun read :)
ShinigamiReiko chapter 8 . 3/25/2016
Im not crying
HeavenHeaven111 chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
This story is amazing.

Or something. This is interesting.
mistyblues chapter 8 . 11/23/2014
I quite like your style of writing - it's extremely engaging. I've read almost all your Naruto fics so far, but not sure whether I've ever reviewed before. I decided it was high time I rectified that, so here goes:

The deliberate ambiguity in the end - with minor hints of KibaSaku and SasuSaku - the pace, the language, everything was smooth in my opinion. I'm very, very big on romance and the type to expect a closure-providing finish to everything I read: this is probably one of the handful of times I read something through to to end despite constant warnings from the author that romance wasn't going to be included. There's just something about your stories that draws me in wholly.

I'm really impressed with how you can switch over styles so efficiently: in a couple of other stories - especially the one with the series of multi-pairing drabbles - you wrote with an fantastic sense of humour. In this - and that other KibaSaku about him being trapped in a book - the style was totally different; more complex and intriguing. Both are perfectly executed, kudos!

I also like that you mostly keep your multi-chapter fics reasonably short - readers only have so much of an attention span, you know?

I think one of my all-time favourites of yours is A Highly Contested Topic. Personally I found it to be the most complex of all your works and that it centred entirely on SasuSaku, was what made me fall in love with it so much.

Oh, and I adore the way you write any pairing - but your KibaSaku and SasuSaku are really something else. One of my other favourites is the very first chapter of those 59 drabbles which is centred on ShikaSaku. For some reason I find myself rereading it way too much.

Anyway. So, you've got a real talent for this - keep writing. :)
Nom de Plume chapter 8 . 9/20/2014
I remember how one of my first venues into SasuSaku was through your stories. I believe it was either Flipped or Next Contestant that started it all. And from then on, my reading obsession just exploded. Even now, I come back to your stories to see if you have made any more or hell, even to re-read (which I rarely, ever-ever do). Even years later of reading plenty of SasuSaku (and other random fandoms), your quality of writing and execution of ideas still remain to be top-notch in comparison.

I come to this site to read quality writing and romance but of course you remind me yet again of what I enjoy even more than romance, the story itself. I actually like how you didn't have a pairing but didn't leave out the possibilities completely. The signs are subtle and believable. Heck, you even left it ambiguous. And to my pleasant surprise, there was plenty of Sasuke in this to fill the soul.

Your critique on beauty and hypocrisy (for BOTH genders - I'm glad you touched on Sakura's epiphany there because the whole time, I was thinking if she'd ever realize that she now knows what Sasuke must have felt like with people glorifying his appearance constantly - although he'd probably be less affected w/ his kind of personality) was great, at least for this short length - there were of course more points that could be expanded upon but for this brief premise, I'd say you did it pretty well. I like how you're utilizing fanfics beyond its usual entertainment value. While you were showing your audience the unpleasant side of how society normally handles beauty, you didn't necessarily completely antagonize the concept of beauty either. Yes, it can be corrupted, just as much as any 'pure, good' quality out there but it doesn't have to be. The pleasant sides are what we make of it.

I like how you built up to the twist - a modernized version of the shinobi world never fails to hold a certain allurement for me. I actually enjoyed Kiba's personality and even Sasuke's subtle manipulation, too. But their reasons weren't for evil-doing's sake, they was pretty sound - just... the means were questionable and you showed that. You showed the conflict between the three and Sakura's you did splendidly. Her lapse during that scissors scene and how you connected her insecurities to her canon-self - yes, yes. But what I love even more was how you handled her confrontation with Danzo. Yes, she finally showed that strength but you never once forgot that this was a normal girl who had just been suddenly dragged into a world of crime, 'whoring,' and hell, the ninja arts. During that whole time, her heart was pounding and struggling against her own second guessing. All of that was very real and true to form of a normal human reaction.

It's interesting how Kiba and Sasuke's roles were kind of switched here and what I mean by that is more so referring to their take on revenge. Sasuke actually shows remorse while Kiba had been plowing on full-steam until the end of it, at least. I kind of wished that I got to see into their perspectives but that's just my selfish side talking. I should be more appreciative of the fact that you finished this at all. Thank-you for sharing this with us!
todokichan chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
dammit im hooked.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/13/2014
wow. this was really... dark. was not expecting that, let me tell you. seriously. honestly, i don't know how sakura forgave them at the end. i certainly didn't, and hoped that she wouldn't. the things sasuke and kiba put her through... man. still, it was an oddly captivating fic, which kept me going, and i've read some of your stuff before and really liked it. your writing rocks.

i'm not a big kibasaku fan, but i do like your pieces on the pairing. they're often quite cute, or rather different, like this one.
GinandJin chapter 8 . 2/23/2014
I've been reading tons of fics for the past week and this is just refreshing
Marionette chapter 8 . 8/16/2013
In literature along with entertainment of the television I have noticed the main or minor character(s) in the two are naive.

Sakura forgave the sadistic mind known as Kiba for manipulating her into a pawn to seduce the enemies.

He told her to do anything it takes to get the enemy to let their guard down. In each plot it is the same for forgiveness.

I am tempered as authors show to much kindness and I wish for or writer to bring a plot of which the characters who betrayed is shown no mercy or is without a doubt horrendous to forgive betrayers.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/8/2013
I detest what they did to her. I found it very disturbing...yet I had to know how this story ended.
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