Reviews for Deception
accioweasleys4 chapter 24 . 6/25
I already liked Cedric but you captured his character well!
Puff Huffle chapter 24 . 8/15/2015
Your character development and everything is so pure GENIUS!
Puff Huffle chapter 11 . 8/14/2015
Your literary talents AMAZE me. Seriously, I'm at chapter 11 now and this is easily the most well-written, witty and high-quality fanfic I have ever read, it's like reading an actually published book! Amazingly entertaining, humoruos and entertaining, thank you so much for it!
Josh layer chapter 24 . 1/4/2014
Younare simply an amazing writer!
One of the best fanfictions I have ever read!
I have to ask is this the end?
Because it doesn't feel like its a real ending
bookworm914 chapter 24 . 9/7/2013
This is the best story I have read here in quite a while! The interplay among the 6 is excellent, and Katie's dilemmas are so very believable. She is very human in her desires, her occasionally intense fears, her rationalizations.
The Experimental Magic thing was a cool idea; I was literally ROFL when I saw the phrase "prolific immobilizing of ferrets". I also enjoyed Katie's preference not to apply "Freudian analysis" to the attempted snog-while-guarding- the-front-doors episode.
I wish the story could be finished - I wish I knew if relationships among the 6 normalize again. Thanks so much for writing!
Kelli83 chapter 24 . 8/11/2013
I know its been a while since you last updated this, but I hope that you can continue it soon. I really love it!
Miranda Flamel chapter 24 . 6/22/2013
wow, I would never have thought that I would one day like Cedric. Now, I love him. Katie Cedric all the way!
Ps, luved da fic continue with your awesometacular work!
Guest chapter 24 . 1/18/2013
i absolutely love your story, it's soo good. i kinda liked fred and katie together but like cedric and katie more! maybe because i like george and katie but whatever. i should have been revising for my exams but when i started reading this i couldnt stop, who needs physics anyway in life. my boyfriend is just like fred truly hopeless at being romantic most of the time, but i thought his little date plan was cute. such a good story!
WiseOwlOrNot chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
Please update! I love this story so much! I'm totally Team Katie, she loves Cedric more and she was feeling like shit, so why shouldn't she get with him to make herself happy?!
glamgurl24 chapter 24 . 5/4/2012
why dont u update anymore?i really like this fanfic
katieszymanski chapter 23 . 4/6/2012
katieszymanski chapter 22 . 4/6/2012
Okay, I actually hate Katie right now! How could she ditch fred and then go off with bloody cedric? She's being such a bitch to everyone as well, especially alicia! Ugh! Ngl but she's a complete slut as well :/ aha great story though, just make sure she gets completely rejected from the group and fred and everyone else start to hate her pleeeeease :)
Mute Hope chapter 24 . 12/30/2011
I adore this fanfiction. Honestly, it is one of the most beautiful, well thought out captivating couples I've come across. Katie Bell and Cedric Diggory? I wouldn't have even thought of that! It's amazing, honestly.

You have converted me from a Cedric/Hermione lover to a Ced/Katie lover. Please, for the sake of my mind not exploding with desire- update soon? :)
sushiluvver chapter 24 . 12/9/2011
update soon? :)
sushiluvver chapter 24 . 11/21/2011
or update this story! i don't mind which!
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