Reviews for Slip of the Tongue
Guest chapter 64 . 2/7
11 years. Freaking love you Mags. Can’t believe I missed this update back in September. Beautiful as always!
Guest chapter 64 . 10/9/2019
Oh, Mags, my hero, why oh why would you compromise your own superior GG franchise by associating it with any canon from that wretched excuse of a revival? Mho is you should have kept this one as a stand alone. Because while YOU totally rock AYITL did NOT and even your brilliance can't fix it for me this time, like you did for seasons 6 and 7. Jmho. Your slips are sacred, hate to see them sullied! I would love to see some more original run slips, though, even from those bad years. You've always made the good better and the bad tolerable. How about Bon Voyage? The ultimate Mags original run ending with a bang! Then if you can, move this and all future AYITL stuff to its own collection. Please and thank you!
ResaM chapter 64 . 10/6/2019
Awww, Wonderful! Thanks so much Mag68! Always excited to see a new one from you, and I've really been missing more L/L fics. Seems like all the AYITL ones focus on Rory. I can never have enough of Luke and Lorelai! This was perfection added to an already excellent scene. I will certainly be hoping and thankful for anything else you care to share with us.
RhizOneill chapter 64 . 10/4/2019
Awww do perfect. Love this so much.
disneygal18 chapter 64 . 10/3/2019
Welcome home, MAG68! A wonderful story. It certainly is a band-aid on the travesty that is AYITL.
fnfnztri chapter 64 . 10/1/2019
Wow, what a surprise to see an update for this story! You took one of the few good scenes from AYitL and made it that much better, and added a extremely well written natural conclusion for that night. I love how you have both their voices down, probably have Luke down better than the Palladino's tbh. Thanks so much for the update!
lizt389 chapter 64 . 9/30/2019
Woo! I love surprise updates! This made my Monday worth living. Thank you for not leaving us!
Marina Kitchen chapter 64 . 9/30/2019
That was so good! I’m glad you hopped back on here to share with us! I reread your stories all the time and it was such a treat seeing a new notification from you pop up in my inbox. Thank you!
Candyship Battleland chapter 64 . 9/30/2019
OMG Thank you thank you THANK YOU MAGS! I'm not a fan of AYITL, but that scene between Luke and Lorelei was beautiful and you as always, made it so much better! It's almost as though there was just a conversation about this on social media, lol. Thanks for giving us what ASP should have, but never did.
chants chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
It was a nice surprise to get a notification on this story today!

I enjoyed your take on the updated Luke and Lorelai, and loved this whole story.

You're definitely my favorite. :)
sixteengrace1600 chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
Yaaaay! you're back! I was very frustrated with AYITL for, well, almost everything, but especially how unsexy they made Luke and Lorelai together - and why would they still be nervous about making love with Rory in the house, anyway! But back to you. I love how you write Luke. I love your Luke, and lust after the Luke in Good at Dating and all that series and especially the mature additions - wow, I want that man. You do such a wonderful story and characterizations, I prefer your L&L world always. Thank you, and , more, please!
Nahantdar chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
I actually jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. I could not believe I saw a Mag update. I had been reading Middle Management (for the hundredth time) this weekend.
Thanks for the new story. Such a pleasure to read your words.
Michelle chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
I am so happily surprised to see your new post.. I love ;) this chapter!
lulu1960 chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
Awww. I still love them guys. I have been really craving AYitL fics. This fit the bill perfectly. The tone was excellent for where they are now in their lives together as a couple that have been together for 10 years. I definitely needed this today.
kgibson97315 chapter 64 . 9/29/2019
Omg. I’m so happy you updated! I’ve been craving new fanfic, and here it is. And it covers one of my favorite scenes in Gilmore Girl R. I love them so much. Thanks for updating!
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