Reviews for Nobody Important: Listener
ZenoLucario chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
Another fantastic chapter, I'm really enjoying reading this.
ZenoLucario chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Fantastic first chapter, and she's a vampire, nice! I can already tell I'm going to love this story, very awesome.
Smozzick chapter 36 . 4/7/2013
Great story so far; wish you'd kept going with it - I was looking forward to her eventually becoming the listener.
Guest chapter 35 . 4/28/2012
Wow this is amazing I read it all in a day!
kazal15 chapter 8 . 4/25/2012
The Gray Fox part was a nice add-on. Lyssi, with her silence and shrugging, reminds me of a character from a popular video game.
kazal15 chapter 4 . 4/25/2012
I expected more reaction from the Blades about Lyssi being a vampire. Other than that, cool chapter.
kazal15 chapter 2 . 4/25/2012
Your character is definitely likable in an odd sort of way. Interesting story.
Shannonigens chapter 32 . 11/26/2011
Wow. Smith has some skills.

I love people in stories that aren't really in the game. I mean, how many vampire hunters are there? Three? And good ones at that. I'm liking this smith (Morvayn? Is his name Morvayn?) because, well, he's cool.

Very good chapter. Cue applause!

Oh, and Skyrim. It will be all that I think about now. You?
Toyroys chapter 31 . 11/20/2011
Wow... this story is so awesome! I love the beginning, it made me wanna read more and more!

Skyrim is so awesome... but the dark brotherhood main quests are already over... sadface... and why does the family always die...

I almost fell of my chair when the night mother spoke... (I'm quessing that you've played this too...)
Shannonigens chapter 31 . 10/14/2011
Woah, that must have looked kind of kinky to whoever walked in 0.0

I'm loving where this story is going. I hate that I didn't review the chapters as soon as you updated, but I broke my arm, and about an hour after doing so I compared myself to Lyssi.

Wow, I'm kind of a dweeb, huh? But let me stop talking about myself.

I really like the character you've given to Enriloth. It's kind of cute.

So Lyssi still can't talk? It was an interesting way how she used a light spell to write out words.

I have to admit that I really want to write a story involving a vampire now. Seriously, this is inspiring.

Have you seen the footage for Skyrim? It's...different from Oblivion but still very cool. Although I never liked cold places.

I wonder if it's cold to a vampire?

So yeah. This(these, actually) chapters were a whole bunch of awesomeness. Right on. :)
Baby Fawn chapter 31 . 10/13/2011
oh wow this was to good
Vermin-lord chapter 29 . 9/24/2011
It's just not going well for her is it, hopefully her luck will get better later :) probaly not much chance of that happening though. If you keep writing I'l try to keep reviewing, good job and in loving the story
Alice Shadowrunner01 chapter 29 . 9/16/2011
That was too short
Vermin-lord chapter 27 . 8/29/2011
Poor Martin, now he thinks he did something wrong, though how far can she get in her state, even for a vampire she's not exactly healthy
Shannonigens chapter 27 . 8/27/2011
Oh, poor Martin, being so terribly confused. Where's that Nord to to feed Lyssi? He was so sweet, I'll bet Lyssi wouldn't mind biting him again.

This speedy update makes me suspect that you actually have a whole ton of chapters ready to post. It's okay if you don't post them all at once; I'd beg for each one. Seriously, I can't get enough of this story.

Yes, those ads for Skyrim all over the place are so teasing, aren't they? Once Skyrim is out, the ElderScrolls category will be flooded with new fics for it. Best to plan ahead and start a prologue for any Skyrim fics now.

Great chapter, I really wonder how Anvil will turn out.
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