Reviews for The Woes of Brookland
Guest chapter 1 . 12/26/2018
Hello. So I randomly started thinking about these (very rude and obnoxious) comments that I made a couple of years ago so I went on this website for the first time in two years to read what I wrote and I cringed really hard. I was thirteen and at a really, really bad point with my mental health and family issues. My coping mechanism was to go online and be rude to strangers. I just wanted to ask you if you could maybe delete them. Not because I deserve empathy or because they’re embarrassing, but since I realized when I read through them that I revealed a bit too much about myself and my personal life and I *really* don’t want those details on the internet for everyone to see. Once again, I sincerely apologize for them (and for bothering you), and I’m a completely different person now. They didn’t reflect who I was a a person then and definitely not now. My apologies for this inconvenience, I just couldn’t seem to get it off my mind lately. If you decide to do it, thank you so much.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/23/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Oh my god! My apology reviews will not post. Maybe I'm not allowed to post which isn't surprising. I was practically harassing you. Not on purpose. I'm very sorry for those reviews. Name calling is not cool. I can't even put into words how stupid I am.
sosorry chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Idk if my apologies were already posted bc they aren't popping up on here but I am deeply and sincerely sorry for what I did. I am the guest that put horrible reviews. It was mean and I don't even know why I was mad about it. I could almost laugh at myself for that. But I can't really laugh because what I said to you was SOOOOO mean. I was name calling. NAME CALLING! I was being the biggest, cowardly, hypocritical bully EVER. I really don't act like this. I don't even say bad words. The author of this is not stupid. I am. I am sorry to the author and anyone else this offended. If you wanna label me in your bio as a bully, my name is Asia. I deserve it if you do. I just cannot believe that I wrote that. I'm being 100% honest when I say that I can't even read the comments I put. It has been nagging me ever since I saw your bio. I was like 'wait, that was me who wrote that!' I wasn't sad or scared that you were writing about me. I was scared because it really was a wake up call. I wrote horrible reviews about someone. Someone that is probably a very nice person. I make myself sick. It's disgusting how I though I could hide online and say bad things like an internet troll. I'm really not like that irl. This is actually the only time I've done something like this. I'm so sorry that you had to be the victim of it. You don't have to forgive me, I would understand. But PLEASE please know that I am sorry for doing this. Your story is actually great. It was written in 2009, how old were you then? I was like four. Which makes this whole situation worse since I called someone a name that is probably sooo much older than me. I'm so sorry about this. I don't deserve to use this site. At all. I can't even imagine how you felt reading this. I'm thirteen so I should not have been cursing and I was raised to not be rude and mean. If you wanna call me names or anything, I grant you permission. Put anything you want about me in your bio because I was such a jerk. Thank you for teaching me the lesson that it is NEVER okay to say things like I did. I will literally remember this for the rest of my life. Even if it's on a fanfic site.

So sorry-Asia
Jerk chapter 9 . 6/2/2017
I am the person that wrot those horrible guest reviews and I am disgusted and mortified when I look back on them. They were horrible. Call you 'stupid' and a 'horrible writer' was just ugh. I don't even know why i did that or what was going through my mind. I feel like the idiot now. I'm the stupid one. I just really want you to know that I'm not the monster that I seem to be hiding behind my words. I'm thirteen (twelve when I wrote...them). I don't even curse or anything. I'm an honors student. I have a twin sister and we live in a small town in Virginia. Despite what I portrayed, I am usually nice. I don't even know what washed over me. It makes me so sick reading over my own reviews that I can't even look at them. I can't even imagine how you felt reading it. I will definitely admit that your story was amazing. I think I'm gonna go read Alex Rider now. But you seem like an amazingly nice person and I was being a cowardly bully. I just hope that you can forgive me. I am ashamed. Completely and utterly ashamed of myself. For using that language and saying those horrible things to you.i probably won't get an account so you can put in your bio or something if you don't like me or forgive me (if u don't I completely understand. I don't know if I'd forgive myself either. Scratch that, I wouldn't.) but if you do or don't, I hope that you know I'm sorry. I hate that it seemed like I could hide behind the name guest and say all those... awful things. I make myself sick. I'm not the victim of this cyber bullying attack, and I know it. But I'm practically crying because the person that those reviews portrayed was not me. I can't even put into words how sorry I am for this horrible thing. You are talented. And smart. And very nice for not saying anything mean back (you should've, I deserve it.) I am a horrible coward and don't deserve to use this site. Thank you by the way for teaching me this lesson. It is NEVER okay to say things like that whether people know who I am or not. It is mean and horrible. If you want to put me in your bio as a horrible person, my name is Asia. I wouldn't mind because I definitely deserve it. I am deeply sorry to ANYONE who was offended by the comments I put. They were NOT necessary and I was a jerk. I just wanted you to know that I'm sincerely and deeply sorry for what i said.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Okay. I will admit it. I was the terrible guest who put those reviews:( I feel absolutely horrible about it too. U are probably a very nice person and did not deserve it. I usually hate internet trolls who hide like cowards on the internet (I know. Hypocritical right?) I don't mean anything that I said to u. Ur story is actually really good. I don't usually act like that, I promise. I just hope that u can forgive me. If u can't, I completely understand. I was being soooooo mean and I wouldn't forgive myself either. It was a horrible thing to do and I'm sincerely sorry. I mean it. Please forgive me. Everyone on here that was offended. I will take full responsibilities for every word I said. U are an amazing writer and person. I was being a mean coward. Just please forgive me.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/31/2017
You show ups write an epilogue where they get married
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
Who does Alex Rider think he is? He only did, what? Thirteen days of training. Smh CHERUBS do one hundred days of the worst training possible. They're MUCH better spies than Alex Rider. :-/
Guest chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
Ok, I have no fricking idea why you guys seem to think that Alex Rider is such a better spy than CHERUBS. He had what, a couple of days of training compared to CHERUBS who sometimes train for years only before going into basic training, the toughest training that you're likely to get. Then they are pushed to learn many languages and have several GSCEs before going to college.

It also bothers me that they were labeled as 'trained eavesdroppers.' Yeah, when James escaped Russia with all of Aero City's police force on his back. Or when James and Lauren drove across three states with the American police on their backs while catching a leader of a criminal gang (they were only thirteen and ten!) or when Dana tied up two people on a ship and turned it back to Australia. Oh, btw that ship was carrying explosives that were going to kill millions of people. I can keep going on if you want, because there are dozens of more examples but you know what, just read the series because it's ten times better than any Alex Rider book and you'll see that in reality, CHERUBS have tons of more training than Alex Rider. TRUUUST ME, I HAVE READ BOTH SERIES. CHERUBS ARE TEN TIMES MORE TRAINED TO DO ALL KINDS OF THINGS. NOT JUST TO PLANT BUGS. IF THAT WAS TRUE, JAMES WOULD BE DEAD. BUT HE ISNT. YOU KNOW WHY, BECAUSE HE IS BETTER THAN ALEX FUDING RIDER!

Now that I'm done with my ranting, y'all should know, this fanfic is not realistic (besides the fact that child spies aren't real.) CHERUBS actually know what they're doing because if they didn't, millions of people would be dead.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
Why is it that you think the CHERUBS aren't capable of anything. Does nobody remember when James was set up on his mission in Russia. He knocked out two absolutely huge Russian men and shot another and he got out of the house safe. Then he had all of Aero City's police force on his back and he managed to get back to campus without dying. And do you guys remember in Divine Madness when Dana managed to take control of the ship that was going to kill millions of people and turn it around, while taking care of the bad guys. Also, when James, Lauren, and Rat devised a plan to get out of the Survivors Ark before it blew up. Or when James and Lauren drove across THREE FRIGGIN STATES in the third book to get away from the police and catch Jane Oxford. And in that same book when Lauren fought of a grown man when he tried to strangle her (she was only ten!) also in the seventh book TWELVE year old Lauren Beat up a guy who almost raped her and saved a bunch of girls from the rape gang while bursting the rape gang in general. Also, in the tenth book the CHERUBS fought off against thousands of grown American soldiers.

Also, the CHERUBS training is purposely the worst thing you'll ever likely endure in your life. It CLEARLY states so in the series that once you've gone through basic training that you can practically go through anything else in the real world. So don't think Basic training is so basic. Also, the CHERUBS are actually really smart. They have iq's of 149, 196, 185 and even higher so don't go acting like they're so stupid. They swallow billions of pages in hacking textbooks in a matter of hours, learn every single fighting teqnique required (quite a lot), and all without parents. Of course Rider went through hard stuff but James and Lauren were always being abused by their awful father, Ron. and their mum died when they were twelve and nine. They werent recruited to CHERUB because they were stupid. They both went through the absolutely awful basic training and became outstanding agents with James having dozens of math college Gsces before going to college and Lauren having Dozens of Gsces before college as well. So it REALLY bothers me that you portrayed them like that. They're just 'kids playing around'. YEAH, KIDS THAT TOOK DOWN A WHOLE TERRORIST OPERATION (THAT WAS NOT AMETEUR BY THE WAY), AND GOING THROUGH SOME OF THE TOUGHEST THINGS YOU CAN GO THROUGH! So don't you go saying that they don't know what they're doing or that they haven't 'been through enough' to be considered proffesionals because they already are outstanding agents and people. Better than that arrogant dickhead ALEX. Maybe he has been through things, but so has the CHERUBS so stop underestimating them PLEASE. It's SOOO annoying. And to all those ALEX RIDER FANS, go read a real espionage series, it's called CHERUB and they aren't so stupid like the person who wrote this.

I hop that when you read this review that you actually take a minute to actually think for once. Especially if you read the CHERUB series. Just because the CHERUBS training is organized, doesn't mean that it isn't good.

CHERUBS are just 'trained eavesdroppers'. REALLY! If you think that, get off your ass and go actually read CHERUB cuz it'll give you something to think about.
'Maybe Alex Rider isn't the best spy book'. YEAH BECAUSE IT ISNT!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/26/2017
I don't even know if I can read any more of this because I am FUCKING PISSED! Who does Alex Rider fucking think he is? CHERUBS had been through quite a lot too and he has NO right to judge them. And for YOU (yes, the author). Why are you making the CHERUBS so naive? You know that's not how they are. They are smart and fit and have experience. I mean, Lauren got her black shirt at eleven for gods sake! Stop acting like they can't handle this Alex Rider because they can.
Adamgerd chapter 6 . 1/9/2017
Interesting fanfic. I like how you portrayed Alex as an arrogant dick . I mean if you think about it, I don't see why so many fanfics say he's so good when he did 13 days of training vs cherub training which is designed to be much harder. So he's probably a worse spy
IAmWhoIAlwaysWillBe chapter 9 . 7/3/2016
SO great! chapter 9 . 6/12/2016
You have to do a sequel please please please please that would be so awesome
Guest chapter 9 . 7/18/2015
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