Reviews for Finding Rupert
Isabel Pearl chapter 22 . 11/25/2009
this story's awesome! can't wait 2 read the rest!
yetti chapter 22 . 8/16/2009
hey-o. i just realised that i haven't reviewed this one, even though i read it! don't know how that happened! MOREMOREMOREMORE

this is such a good story, and i'm frantic. i'm like an addict to your story who hasn't had a hit for 9 and a half weeks! how could you do this to me?
Queen Su chapter 22 . 6/24/2009
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter! Sorry it took so long to review, but I've been gone for about 3 weeks. Update soon!

In Aslan's Name,

Queen Susan the Gentle
yetti chapter 21 . 6/15/2009
I was so excited when i saw you wrote it... nice dedication, that Sam sounds like a nice person.

It's all so exciting. If you like, you can write me in and i can marry Peter. I wouldn't mind if that happened. At all.

I love Barney. And Timothy is AWESOME.


Loopstagirl chapter 20 . 6/4/2009
wow-you have to seriously update this!

i'm completley gripped, it's amazing!
Dawn32 chapter 20 . 5/23/2009
Update soon, please!
Narnia-Moons chapter 20 . 4/10/2009
OMG i love this story please get ed and the boys out of there and is Rupert there with them? I hope all the kids and Pete an Ed get out of there soon
yetti chapter 20 . 3/22/2009
really good, rixxi! i luv timothy's: "Christ almighty... s'friggin great horse." fab.

well, i need some more please, so i hereby declare that you must complete chp 21! Bloody hell, that's a lot of chps... good on ya, rixxi! pleased as punch.

Queen Su chapter 20 . 3/22/2009
Great chapter! Poor Peter, Edmund, and the rest of the Narnian gang! I really like Timothy! I wonder how Edmund is going to get out of this mess... :) Update soon!

In Aslan's Name,

Queen Susan the Gentle
Dawn32 chapter 19 . 3/12/2009
Oh, I can't believe Peter and Edmund walked into that trap! But at least they have learned an important lesson! Never trust Calormenes!

By the way, can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Lilagirl chapter 19 . 3/6/2009
Oh my gosh I am so sorry D:

I know I promised to review again and I haven't kept that promise Dx but things have just been so busy and I hadn't even had a chance to read all the new chapters before today. Nevertheless i'm still really sorry -hugs-

I shall try my very hardest to review again! I know how much people need support :)

As for this chapter I love it! Kolfinna kicked behind, Ed and Pete got served, slightly, and Hattie is off again! Yay!
Queen Su chapter 19 . 3/5/2009
AH! Cliffy! I guess I deserve one becasue I have been writing them so much lately. *sigh* What goes around comes around I guess.

Anyway, awesome and well written chapter! Update soon!

In Aslan's Name,

Queen Susan the Gentle
yetti chapter 18 . 3/2/2009
Great cliffhanger, though i think i know who the second monster is... i also like, of course, the budding romance between ed and hattie.

Queen Su chapter 18 . 2/28/2009
Update soon! This chapter was very well done and I love the cliffy!

In between His paws,

Queen Susan the Gentle
unicorn-skydancer08 chapter 18 . 2/28/2009
Oh, very thrilling! Please go on!
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