Reviews for Peter Saw
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2014
shine lots chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
This one was way more dramatic than 'James Noticed'. I like it!
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
Awwwh!Really now!That was such an absolutely wonderfully sweet fic!Seeing from Peter's point of view,that was refreshing really!And the smooth use of the Prank and the moments between Severus,Remus and Sirius's caring but jealous attitude,all of it was really well done!Yeah,blending into the background really does help Peter,his innocent, friendly attitude was so adorable and likeable!Aaaaahhh!Awesome fic,it went absolutely sweet and adorable later on after all that angst and drama!lol!Great writing here!
LunaticV chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
That was both lovely and hurtful at the same time :)

If only peter had stayed this way for the rest of their friendhip.. Well, wouldn't have the HP series, biut still.. That was a very beautiful show of friendship

And also, I hope that SiriusRemus get happier ending
macdennischardee chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
:D Still good.
xxkiirousagixx chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
When Peter's picking up on the subtleties, something's definitely going on :D

I like a cute peter, too many people are mean to him, nice to see you being nice.
5redroses chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
Liked this one too:) I'm gonna hop off to your profile now to see if you've written any more.
LyssaLaughable chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
writing a character that most people dislike is very hard sometimes. Anytime I think about him, all i can think is how vile he is and I wonder how they didn't realize his betrayal sooner. The way you wrote him though, since this was from his point of view, I could see how he truly did love his friends and how he always had little quirks like hiding around others or just being quiet and 'learning things' about others. And since he was always like that, it wouldn't have been easy to see that he was using those known quirks to get information out of them.

But anyway, this wasn't about Peter's character, so I must say that I really like how you wrote Rem and Siri's relationship. It is so adorable how clueless they are and yet how clueless Remus was in general, as made apparent by Snape. Though hearing about Snape in a game of spin the bottle with a bunch of muggles did give me a great image ]

I really liked seeing Rem and Siri from Peter's perspective. i really like it when people make Peter good, as opposed to evil. Because he really wasn't always that way.

You also had a good play on Rem's trust in Siri, Like when Snape said 'you can't trust him' then Siri went and made the statement true. It would explain why Rem believed that Sirius was guilty when he went to azkaban.

I really like how you made everything tie in D

LyssaLaughable P
Viviane Renard chapter 1 . 7/18/2009
An enjoyable read. I like Snape's part in this, you really used his character well to drive the plot.
Kayla chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
Very nice! This makes me so happy, and it's well written. Keep it up! You're a wonderful writer! :]
Halan Lore chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
Its sad when the person who gets no credit knows more about your feelings than you.
rekahneko chapter 1 . 2/4/2009
I like it!

It was a wonderful companion piece to the one from James' perspective and I like how it ended a little after the first one and with a bit of a different message.

I hope you write more like this!

werewolfsfan chapter 1 . 2/3/2009
Another lovely installment. And extra kudos for the sensitive treatment of Peter Pettigrew. I'm always excited to find another fan who realizes that Peter was one of the Marauders and Lily's closest friends. That made the Judas like betrayal the enormous, gut wrenching tragedy that it was.
Inky74 chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
Aww so cute. I love it.
Evildevilangel chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
*smiles* Very very good. It has a nice realism with the speed of these things.
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