Reviews for For the Potions Master's Amusement
MissyJanne chapter 86 . 7/21
That has to be one of the very best most satisfying final chapters I’ve ever read!

I absolutely adored this fic! I love how far they have come as a couple and also the growth they have shown in their willingness to be with each other. Loved your OC’s and loved the couples support system. Just brilliant xxxxxxxxx
4theLoveofPotter chapter 85 . 7/1
The most delicious thing I’ve ever read. Thank you.
deedles chapter 16 . 6/28
all the words used for women here, like slut & bint are concerning...surprised H.G. would agree with that.
pandasarecute chapter 86 . 6/10
me who cant believe this was written ten years ago and I am just now catching on. This was truly lovely. one of my favorite sevmione ff ever.
troni chapter 4 . 5/19
Owww, agora ele todo atencioso. ️
troni chapter 2 . 5/19
Meu Deus! Tive que buscar consolo, acredita? Nunca me interessei por palmadas, mas depois dessa com certeza entrará na minha lista de feitiches.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/12
He’s so great! I was unsure in the very beginning of Snape in ‘For the potion masters amusement’ maybe as he has a darker and harsher feel to any other Snamione fanfic I’ve read, then a few chapters in (just like in the original HP stories) I looooooooove Snape!
Hermione is adorable too, you’ve done such a wonderful job with the characters. It’s the kind I don’t want put down and tend to sacrifice sleep for, then will be in mourning for when I have completed it. Hope I’m not the only one who feels like they’re experiencing a little break up when finishing a decent book.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/11
The characters are quite different to how they are usually portrayed but, I can picture it and want to keep reading.
JmoImperio chapter 7 . 4/14
This is very well written. I'm very much enjoying it. Thank you.
BeautyInNature chapter 1 . 3/28
My friend sent me the link to this story almost ten years ago, shortly after the last chapter came out. I feel in love with this story and devoured every word. I have read it so many times. I seriously wish that it could be in book form so that I could add it to my bookshelf. Ten years and I'm still in love with this story. I love the way you portray Snape! Thank you for sharing your wonderful imagination!
Severus the doe chapter 86 . 3/20
I love thisssssssssss!
Severus the doe chapter 1 . 3/20
I think it's for Snamione's amusement as well
Severus the doe chapter 86 . 3/20
I just finished the story and I think it's for the Snamione'z
DifficultyWriting chapter 4 . 3/9
finally some decent s.m
DifficultyWriting chapter 4 . 3/9
finally some decent s.m
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