Reviews for Eternal Desire
Dr. Echolyric chapter 1 . 7/8
Oh my GOD IM IN LOVE. I’ve been looking for a story like this for ages and let me tell you - *whoosh* blown away!
hermonine chapter 40 . 5/12
Nice story
Nida926 chapter 19 . 5/9
What a pathetic story! Do u really hate the OC that much, And I thought Bella was the weak pathetic one but My God ! U somehow created even more worst character ever...
All I read until now is about OH EDWARD HATES ME! BAWLING OVER ad OVER! And this EDWARD Obviously for some reason who is in Love with Bella , full on flirts with this new chick and then hates her and glares! JUST STICK TO A PLOT!
Guest chapter 40 . 8/20/2019
This story is sooooooo bad. Sorry, but the female lead is worst than Bella.
Guest chapter 20 . 8/20/2019
Omg...You should get an award for writing the most weak and pathetic female character ever.
Guest chapter 20 . 11/24/2018
You're character is awful.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/24/2018
Sorry but your character is annoying and pathetic.
BTS Army15 chapter 40 . 12/28/2017
Soo...Its been a while...
Kurochach chapter 3 . 6/1/2017
Why did she never skip grade ?
VenaHope chapter 5 . 3/31/2017
Prey. That is how you spell it. Pray is when your praying to god.
ElriyaStark chapter 40 . 9/13/2016
Ok...I think its best to start with...Hello

So I am one of your (probably thousands of) fans. I read your story this far (because of YOU I cant read more) and it ist not amazing, NOOOO it is AMAZING WONDERFUL and every other words that wont come into my mind right now. I really love the character of Lucie she is amazing, cute and not a damsell in distress wait...she IS a damsell in distress that hates to be one and does all she can to be not.

So far I only complimented you when I should NOT...ARE YOU DAMN INSANE YOU DIDN'T UPDATE FOR 6 YEARS!

That means you didn't finish this lovely Story...I repeat it AREY YOU INSANE?!
*breaths in and out to calm down*
sooooooo, I don't know wheter or not you still have this account, or you keep checking on or not, so I don't know wheter or not you see my very very long comment (i hope you do) Maybe you are know a mature woman are married and have 3 children ( maybe I an a little bit exxagerating)
I mean its been 6 YEARS for godness sake zhis is damn lot.
You should have finished it, maybe you see this and think about it or you write me a private message (or you never see this and I keep hoping for a message that will never come)

So you say you are babbling a lot...after you read this comment I do not hink so...
Also I have seen you speaking quite a lot of germans...hey I AM GERMAN but I am not Berliner, sorry to dissapoint you...

It was lovely to write to you...your story an you oh great Author have a big place in my libary...I love your mazing story that is not continued...

Your truthfully reader
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
A chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
Hi Lily,

Your writing is illuminating. It's so much more than a silly nerve-wracking addiction to binge on (like crunchy peanut butter), or an emotional obsession (like Twilight fanfics) to fawn over. It's fantasy, yet realistic all the same because of how well-tangled the pieces are. You deliver the unexpected surprises that make me feel like I am there, gritting my teeth with the characters. It's refreshing to feel and see what those feelings look like in words. My senses are heightened when I read your story. Everything's in high-definition. It's a relief after the traffic noise of real life. I'm in love with how you don't tell me how I should empathize with the characters, or explain to me what the plot is. You just let me experience it.

And the plot 3! AHH! Lucie's life is chronological, but the events are occurring throughout and independent of her timeline. It's too much goodness. The first time I read this, it was incredible. I was using fanfiction to drown out the boredom of the 8th or 9th grade and I had thought that your writing was unique. But... I was a little "out there" back then. Was I only going through a phase?

Now at age 20, I hardly have the attention span to read or watch a movie anymore. Transitioning into a full-blown computer science geeky nerd has required me to develop a sort of artificial ADHD- the kind that makes you crave the feeling of 'doing something.' That's why I can't passively sit still and experience a story or enjoy a movie from the couch. For a while I though I'd lost that comfort. Yet I'm still just as focused reading your book now as ever. You let me, a reader, experience it. There's nothing vicarious at all about reading your books. They are as compelling now as they ever were. You and Patrick Rothfuss have both helped me remember how to read.

So how could I regret the ridiculous amounts of fanfiction that I ingested in my early teens when it lead me to your story? Eternal Desire is my favorite memory of fanfiction. Thank you, so much, for writing this. If you are still writing, please do share your pen name or book titles?

Abigail chapter 40 . 6/10/2016
I find you to be a wonderful writer, an articulate writer. This story is what I call easy-reading, not at all in the sense of simplicity, but that your writing is devoid of that exceedingly convoluted maze-like atrociousness. You have a great aptitude for the comprehension of bona fide emotion, so much so that one can almost feel as the characters themselves feel. On the other hand, I find your protagonist, Lucie, to coax in me contradictory reactions in regards to her...bitter-sweet personality. She is slightly reminiscent of Marmite, either you love it or hate it. I cannot help but find myself rooting for her. Yet, at the same time, I find her to possess a multitude of undesirable traits that one can't quite easily disregard. She is too much too obstinate, too stuck in her ways, refusing to heed the warnings of those who are more well-versed in the tricky debate that is life. She deludes herself in the notion that she knows everything, when frankly she is just as naive as those many wise, long-lived individuals think her to be. Her health suffers for it, which makes her weak, and thus in turn renders those around her equally as weak. The selfish mare. Nevertheless, her heart is in the right place, and I will persist in my belief that she will forever be more deserving of Edward than Bella is.
NeoMulder chapter 40 . 10/11/2015
So, I absolutely LOVE this story! Lucie is so unique and well written. And I've literally spent the past two days binge reading this like the crazy maniac I am! (And no that's not a joke, though maybe maniac isn't the word. And insane might be a more apt description of myself.) Anyways, I really LOVE this-even though you made us all wait for the Edward and Lucie moments, but honestly the story's probably better for it! I could probably go on all night with this review because you're story is that awesome! The Alice and Jasper moments, the Emmett moments and even the Bella moments! Though I have to say she was more, how to say, mean spirited in this then I expected. Most people write her out or make her annoyingly nice. I actually really enjoyed the complexity you brought to her, but I'm babbling! So I'm going to conclude this loooooooonnnnnngggg review with thanks for the Nelephants and I hope you update soon!
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