Reviews for Figures in the Night
math music reading chapter 4 . 7/7/2009
Yes! Thank you, I've been wondering myself what would have happened if Sasuke had witnessed that scene instead of Naruto. I can't wait for part two!
cakeesuki chapter 4 . 5/19/2009
kya i love this! where is part two?
king-veil chapter 4 . 4/23/2009
that's so sad.

i know hinata going to miss sasuke

but he right he has to go .
SarahiNia chapter 4 . 4/13/2009
Sad ending, but so awesome!

SarahiNia chapter 3 . 4/13/2009
So pretty!

I love it.
Esperanz chapter 1 . 3/21/2009
i know that this is stupid but i just wanted to ask can hinata have long hair here instead of short. because i think she looks prettier that way. so please, ne n_n. _~
Darth-Taisha chapter 4 . 3/20/2009
Aw, nice start.
LM3795 chapter 4 . 3/17/2009
I WAS thinking that maybe they were like 15...but I'm not old are they supposed to be?...and regarding that...did they..."sleep" together or just sleep together? hahaha! I really really enjoyed this chapter, great job and I can hardly wait for MORE!
Surfwizard chapter 4 . 3/16/2009
He wouldn't have actually fallen in love with Hinata. That just goes completely out of Sasukes character. I've figured out that the people who like SasuHina want something impossible, a miracle. I will not condone you or anything, if it is a good story then people will read it. I personally don't like the pairing, but if you write it, whatever. Hinat also wouldn't love him, but once again, whatever. Also, do the people who write this and other Hinata and other impossible people pairngs talk to each other to say when they should come out because they always seem to come out at the same time?
AleSwan chapter 4 . 3/16/2009
Kya! I love it... please.. update soon.. this is awesome.. and you mede me cry when he left... so sad... :'( but he'll come back, I know he will, and for her... just for her ... Kya! it's so exciting...

please update soon... I can't wait until next chapter... pretty please... ?

Good luck and see ya l8r

Ja ne

donnabella2k7 chapter 3 . 3/10/2009
aww soo sweet ! nice chapter !
RainbowBoxer chapter 3 . 3/9/2009
Awesome possum! pretty...(sighs heavily) romantic.../

Who knew...that the Teme could not only show his softer side, but be a little romantic too, AWDORABLE!

Aw...I loved that lil' white butterfly...where is its mate? I was hoping for a lil'black one too...WOW...looks like Hina-hime is a pure-hearted soul...butterflies are not very trusting...

I love Sasuhina...Sasuhina 4ver!

STEVEO 352 chapter 3 . 3/9/2009
thats sweet
LM3795 chapter 3 . 3/8/2009
how romantic...heeheehee...
RainbowBoxer chapter 2 . 1/31/2009
Awesome possum!KAWAI(cute)..I LOVE this story

I love how Hina-hime and Sasu-teme are in love/true love...ah(sighing heavily), true love, so sweet

Now what?How will Hina-hime explain her change in behavior around Naruto to Shino if he asks?...Honestly, he out of the other two seem more likely to notice certain details and deduce conclusions whether or not they are accurate...I figure that he will start to question Hina-hime's actions...among other things

I guess it is safe to assume that Hina-hime will put forth an 'act' to make everyone believe that her feelings/behavior has not changed...I wonder if she can go through with it and down right 'lie' to her friends/comrades...
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