Reviews for Reality: the Magic That Turns Courage into Dreams
Blackrose2005 chapter 6 . 1/31/2009
Wow, that was a really good fanfic. I do like how you added in the small parts that Richter says a lot.

For example, you were able to explain, or give an idea to why Richter had commonly said that Emil acted like a dog.

You also made it seems as if it was something usual, so it just flowed right in.

Lastly, u made me cry... THAT JUST SHOWS HOW GOOD THIS IS!

And with this being in Richter's point of view, you did a wonderfull job.

Keep it up!

Dreamer's Samhain chapter 6 . 1/29/2009
its short and sweet and very sad. I feel really bad for Rickter in this. and for Aster as well. I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like.

Good job with the writing bit too!

Cafe-Publications chapter 2 . 1/29/2009
Cool story! o I think you made Richter and Aster's personalities natural.
MelodicMadness chapter 6 . 1/28/2009
Oh my gosh... that was... that was so beautiful.

I just love the way you write! It's amazing, and and...

and wonderful! And Richter and Aster were just so in character, it's amazing how well you caught them.

And no matter how many times it's mentioned, or how many times I watched/read it, Aster's death is just so sad. D:

He was so young, and Richter needed him so much...

You are a god/goddess. Love this story.
MelodicMadness chapter 2 . 1/28/2009
Th-these are amazing!
Blackrose2005 chapter 1 . 1/28/2009

But, cuz this is just bugging me... The last line... I think you switched the words around. 0.0

Isn't it supposed to be 'a few loose screws' instead 'a few screws loose'?

(srry... It just bugged me... T.T)

But anyways, I really like how you showed that Aster was a genius, but still a kid.

And, I think that Richter is just fine! He did have a soft spot for Aster, so it would be expected that he treated him differently than how he would for others.

Other than that though, you did really good, and I hope you update soon!