Reviews for Fame
Oreo596 chapter 2 . 10/14/2019
Awww I loved that part!
Diagnosed chapter 6 . 9/8/2019
I feel like you've captured the whirlwind of 17 year old emotions and drama really well in your writing - especially in how the two of them are so dumbly confused about their kiss afterwards XD.

Interesting having the whole DK gang show up as the Agency's top staff hahaha! And I'm starting to get the sense they are evil after all... You sure this isn't going to be a Senshi fic? :P

Overall, a cute AU!
Princesakarlita411 chapter 6 . 6/30/2017
Hope 2 read more
slightlyxjaded chapter 6 . 2/11/2017
Wow...I had apparently missed this wonderful story of yours before. I absolutely love the Usagi/Mamoru angst! My heart completely broke for Usagi in this chapter at the photo shoot. I relate to so much of this and it's so sad. I could feel her pain at not being interesting enough, knowing her interview was the only one to be edited, and not recognizing herself in the mirror because they had changed her style so much. Hopefully meeting with Mamoru will make her feel better!

I love this story in addition to you others! Keep up the fantastic work!
Dandy Mandy chapter 3 . 2/6/2017
Hi Dreams in Pink,
I discovered your stories recently and enjoy them so much!
For me, you've joined the pantheon of my favourite Sailor Moon fan fiction writers along with Antigone2 and irritablevowel and I regularly re-read The One With The Vegas Vacation. I love this one quite a lot as well, in particular how you portray Usagi and Mamoru's interactions and hint at a somewhat sinister side of showbiz. Keep up the great writing and looking forward to reading more!
wishwars chapter 6 . 2/6/2017
Aww poor Usagi! Now I'm really worried about what they'll do with the interview..
TropicalRemix chapter 6 . 2/6/2017
what kind of edits did kunzite mean?
Princess Selina chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
Okay, definitely keeping an eye on this story!
It's written so perfectly, and the relationships are really well developed though I'm surprised they kissed so early on, but I guess the implication is that they've been arguing for months already. Keep up the great work!
LaNaHwAnNa chapter 4 . 8/2/2014
Great start to the story hope to read more soon.
sailormoon0630 chapter 4 . 7/11/2014
Great chapter am happy your started to update this story again.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 4 . 7/10/2014
If you missed the Sailor Moon episode you can watch it on youtube. Good, keep it coming.
GraphicsChyk chapter 4 . 7/9/2014
Enjoying your story. Can't wait for the next update.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 3 . 7/4/2014
Sailor Moon new anime will premiere on July 5. Interesting, keep it coming.
wingedangel791 chapter 3 . 3/20/2013
Aww... cute! X3 update soon!
Lila chapter 3 . 8/18/2011
and then? What happened next? Please don't forget this! Think of the CHILDREN!
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