Reviews for Decisions
Guest chapter 13 . 4/16/2016
the best fanfic ever there's no good school days fanfics please keep going aleast one more chapter where we cach up on what happed after
Guest chapter 13 . 2/28/2016
Ugh. They couldn't finish it.
James K. Penn chapter 13 . 8/21/2015
Oh man, if you're trying to make me feel bent out of shape, congratulations, you've succeeded. This whole story has been a good example of what might have happened if our little dysfunctional trio had lived on. One big clusterf*ck. The way you've spelled it out so far, it doesn't look like it's going to end well for anyone. You can't fix crazy, you can only treat it, and we're looking at two different kinds of crazy here. This is something I've said about Kotonoha before, but she likely has HIGH oxytocin levels. The love/affection chemical, and as wonderful as it can be, too much of it causes extreme descrimination towards anything but the object of affection. Good story, but it makes me want to get on a Harley, ride, and never look back. Now to contradict that statement, I hope you post another chapter.
James K. Penn chapter 10 . 8/21/2015
Nice job describing the graveyard scene all the way through. Nice ghost story effect. I picked up some Irving influence. I had to put on a song I enjoy for these types of storiesmadrid" by Stefano Barone. Kotonoha, a girl from a broken reality, visiting the grave of her love and torment from that reality. I just thought of something that fits her pretty good. "Have I ever told you what the definition of insanity is? It's doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result every time...Have I ever told you what the definition of insanity is?"
James K. Penn chapter 7 . 8/21/2015
Yuuki getting jumped and about to be humiliated and raped by three girls had me foaming at the mouth. I also felt awful for Otome, not being able to help him. I never really pictured Otome x Yuuki (even though it looks like it won't happen), but hey, she's kinda' like Roka, except Roka isn't as much of a bully. Good dialogue between Otome and Makoto here.
James K. Penn chapter 6 . 8/21/2015
So far, a really good tragedy. Lots of dark stuff happening in this one as well. If I could say one thing, I thought the situation with Taisuke was a little jumbled. However, he is an idiot and Kotonoha is pretty mixed up as well, so I suppose that was fine. I just thought the change in emotions for Kotonoha was a little too swift right after discussing something so awful as her own rape, but she is a few cards short or a deck.
Deniz542 chapter 13 . 7/9/2014
This..could have been continued. I don’t know what stopped you, but I want you to know that you made a good story. I am sorry for bothering.
moneygreen932 chapter 8 . 3/2/2014
you haven't updated this in awhile so idk if you'll ever see this... but i must commend you on this chapter.. this had to be one of the most Dramatic chapters that i have ever read on this site... I'm speed reading this story because i don't wanna get too involved with school days anymore since the anime made me feel depressed (due to Makoto's asshole mentality which you captured in this chapter extremely well) If i didn't read the reviews first and see someone talk about Kotonoha in the future i probably would be feeling very sad and depressed right now... but the ending to this chapter is truly a masterpiece i can visualize it easily and capture all the feelings in this chapter...

Also thank you for bringing back Makoto's indecisiveness and asshole traits and reminding me for the reasons why i hate this sonuva bitch... thank you for this and even though he tries to save her at the end it doesn't matter because if i didn't know what i know then i would be cursing him now... i felt sorry for the bastard being tied up by a crazy ass Sekai (who i also think is a Yandere because i mean in reality even though Makoto was being an ass she DID kill him because he didn't pick her and in the manga she fatally stabs Kotonoha so ) but after seeing how he doesn't even care about Katsura's problem just because he has his own like he is a fucked u individual and you captured him perfectly as that very hateable character that we all know and dislike
moneygreen932 chapter 6 . 3/2/2014
wow... so a rich business man and his wife decide it's better to ace themselves than to try and take care of their daughter's fake pregnancy a different way? they could've covered it up or even just taken care of it but instead they decide to leave their two daughters alone because of the shame? I know that Japanese families take respect and honor serious but i think that's a little too over the edge
Mazongian chapter 11 . 5/22/2013
I am sorry for your friend's loss. I know how bad that feels, how much pain one goes through in that situation, so I truely hope he doesn't get lost in depression.

On a lighter note, this is a great story you have going here. My only complaint is that you don't update often. Please keep this up.
Johny Olde chapter 13 . 5/21/2013
Please continue writing this story. It's really good and i want to see what happens next. So far, it is on the way to a good ending but Sekai might come back for revenge. I need to know more about this story cuz' it is better than the anime's ending.
nikkivj chapter 11 . 3/18/2013
I was a little confused with the last few chapters, but this is good! keep it up!
nikkivj chapter 8 . 3/18/2013
chapter 8 brought tears to my eyes. you're a really good writer.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/6/2012
Damn, this is such a hard thing to read. Are you going to be making more? I want to see what happens next.
batquest7 chapter 13 . 5/17/2012
Good to see an update! Great work here. Excellent allusions to Kotonoha's madness and nice foreshadowing of Sekai getting out of the institution.

Good work here, please stick with it!
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