Reviews for Waiting
HermyLuna2 chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
This is very well written! You really have talent.
KnowledgeandImagination chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
awwww, so sad and so sweet at the same time! Gah, there's always been a certain something that draws me in about this pairing, despite them never exchanging a word in Shakespeare's play. thank you for this beautiful story!
the doctor's next dance chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
That was absolutely beautiful. You really had me in the tent with them, it was so atmospheric. I loved the back-story you gave them, and, well, any fic with Edgar in it is awesome, anyway :) That was written so fluently - I really enjoyed it. Thanks so much for sharing!
Geniusgirl The Original chapter 1 . 3/26/2009

Oh, absolutely WOW.

This is ...I'm still trying to breathe again. You've written exactly what I've always wanted to read. I think that a part of my life is fuller thanks to this story. No, I'm not just saying that. I'm a Literature student; these things matter ridiculously too much to me.

"King Lear" has always been my favourite Shakespeare play and the Nahum Tate version, while jolly good for its happy ending and all, doesn't do justice to what lies between the lines. You, on the other hand, do.

I am amazed, I am awed, and I am so grateful that someone has written this and written it WELL. Thank you so much.
bonesmad chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
OMg steph i love it! and yes i still think its a very very fanfiction idea! but im honoured that u dedicated it to me :D i loved it I DEMAND MORE!"!