Reviews for Forward
Alyse U chapter 1 . 5/11
The ending is so sad. I love this oneshot but i can imagine a few more chapters where lucy returns and she's older and it shows that it's never too late. :)
Politics.and.Prose chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
I love these snapshots!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
sad but lovely to read
nochance chapter 1 . 2/16/2012
I can see why it was nominated. This is so sweet but I believe that Lucy was about 15 though.
LionRawrr chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
Just fantastic. This was lovely, and well written - I really enjoyed reading it.

Keep writing! :)
Isokura chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Oh this is so lovely! It's made me have tears in my eyes. I've always adored the whole Lucy/Caspian bits in the story and was so annoyed in the movies because it was completely ignored. I always thought it was so beautiful and sweet and touching and that is just what you've created here, in all its brevity "in the moment". I'm going to try to find the one-shots part you originally wrote now. Hopefully I can! Because there needs to be more (its such a hard pairing to find fic for!) Caspian/Lucy! Especially written this way, all canonical with yearning unfulfillment. You've captured it so well! 3 Beautiful!
delete-account-please 742011 chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
this is thebestestfriendsforever just moved to a different account.

good story.
Anon chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
awww...this is so sweet and sad. This is writen so well.I love it :)
MysticalKC chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Loved It! :D
Gloria Florida chapter 1 . 9/20/2010
I'm crying. It's so sad. You're a great writer.
JilltheKingess chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
I love it! It could also be tweaked to a Suspian, but is very good as a Luspian. You are a talented author!
Annieaimsforthesun chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Oh damn... it's so sad! i mean, the last part

But anyway, i just loved your fic :)
Francienyc chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
I can't believe I haven't seen this before now! I swear, sometimes I live under a rock.

I really liked the format of this especially-it's very short and that makes it all the more powerful. The idea that Caspian is so like Peter but for a turn of the screw is very intriguing, and I think right on the money. Caspian's got the same innate sense of nobility and wanting to do right, but he is more carefree than Peter could ever be.

Eustace's last line "I suppose we just ran out of time" is particularly poignant-it made me tear up a little, and made me very glad I'm working on "All the Dreams..." where Caspian and Lucy do get a chance to be together. *sniff*
songhamitra backstreet chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
aw!this is just so wonderful!i think its my most fav. one!
Starbrow chapter 1 . 2/3/2010
Love. It. :D! I've been toying for the last few days with writing a Lucian story. My dilemma is that there is so much canon in the way of it. On VDT she's 10-11ish, and in TLB, in Aslan's country when they all meet again, he's got Wifey in tow. I've been thinking one way is to just simply forge ahead with the weirdness of the age difference in VDT, acknowledge it, and just have it be a crush on Lucy's part...but I really liked how you handled it here. I love how she's drawn to Caspian's "merry-ness", since she was the merry laughing Queen. I'm not a huge drabble person - I'm greedy and like lots of Story ;) - but these were very well done, very in-character, and beautifully depicted. I'd like to see you do more Lucian in the future.
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