Reviews for Wrong Turn
HughieCampbell chapter 1 . 11/8/2019
Thank you for the delightful insight on the 'Ultimate Marvel' storyline (21st Century assholes, for lack of a better term for myself) - makes me able to see the comparisons much more clearly.

Garth Ennis would probably have a field day had he been given the reigns (for whatever reason) to write 'Ultimate Marvel' - probably might have been a watered-down version of 'The Boys'.

And considering his love of black comedy and graphic violence, and his intense dislike of organised religion and the superhero genre (he holds Wolverine in particular contempt)...

You could probably see where this is going, especially for the X-Men.
PinkRangerV chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
This is the real world, where my tax dollars fund two wars no one knows the true point of, where Afghanistan and Iraq got f*cked up for no reason, where the economy tanks and no one knows what to do...echoing that sentiment in the Ultimates universe was genuis, and such an overlooked aspect of canon! Great, great work!

You know, you could probably have your cynic become a crusader for justice. If you want to continue...please continue...I give up, I'm begging you! *puppy-dog face* ;)