Reviews for Blood Red Moon
StoryTagger chapter 2 . 2/28/2009
Oh yeah, this is much better this time around. The image created is better, showing the insanity the darkness is putting Sam through. Even the way he forced Dean to end it showed that it wasn't a taunt, that even though he wanted to live, he needed to die...In a way since it wasn't Sam that actually pulled the trigger, it wasn't suicide at least. Suicide is a damning act, but the way it was ended could be contended as a self-sacrifice for the greater good...poor Dean though, it's a wonder he is even still alive. I really cannot see that man being alive after losing all his family like that...
StoryTagger chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
Hmm, it was pretty good, but I think you may need to expand it a little bit. Put in some more detail, like did Dean pull the trigger or did Sam's hands overlap his and pull the trigger? That type of stuff. A few thoughts from Dean would raise the angst of the story as well, especially if you choose whether or not Dean decided to pull the trigger...
aush chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
before the ... that would be a great hook to a story then show how the boys got there. I think it would be amazing. and then end with, "Dean’s eyes flew open. A nightmare. The bed was empty beside him. ‘No – a memory.’"