Reviews for Secondary Highways
Goop chapter 4 . 4/29
Wow am i glad to have found this. You write them really well and i love this take on their relationship. Now im gonna check if you have more pepperony fics

Thank you for this!
drucindastorm chapter 4 . 8/11/2019
I love it
drucindastorm chapter 4 . 8/11/2019
this is love this is perfection
Arihimew chapter 3 . 12/7/2013
God, I've read this like three or four times already, and I've read many other amazing fics around, but this one is still the most emotional fics ever. This one is one of those stories that stuck in your head days after you reading it. It's a little different to see the old Pepper that way, but that's what makes this unbelievably awesome. It's different yet still possible to happen as well.

I really love your writing style too. It's uniquely different than the other fanfic writers, which is good. I won't even be surprised if turns out you're a published writer in real life. I love your other two Pepperony fics too, and I really really hope you would write some more Pepperony one day.

Guest chapter 4 . 9/16/2013
Another lovely lovely story! Well done!
Greaser's Palace chapter 3 . 8/11/2013
Excellent story. You seem like you're not terribly proud of it (which is utterly insane :) ) but I understand. An artists greatest critic is his/herself. Just know that it was wonderful and made this reader very happy, which is really a gift in itself. Thanks.
between the waves chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
Um, I have no idea why you're apologizing for this story, it's freaking gorgeous and I'd be very sad!face if it changed or went away. Especially seeing as how I'm currently wondering how I've never seen it before and when I can read it again and other such Important Things. Agh. Feels overload of the best kind. And seriously I LOVE this. Don't change a thing, it's brilliant, and the changing tenses totally work- frankly, I normally at least notice them and here I just didn't- because this whole piece is very stream of consciousness to me, almost surreal in how vivid it is and you have a lovely way with words and imagery that just makes me happy.
fantasia-49 chapter 4 . 3/30/2013
oh i just read your story and i found it excellent. For once pepper is not so perfect and she has a strange past and i love it! it shows that she was strong to change her past life to become a person with a real life and not a vagabond life!
Excellent really.
Pasts-Hormony2 chapter 4 . 2/28/2011
Sweet ending. At last the bastard accepts her home and life! Great job on this as a whole.
Pasts-Hormony2 chapter 3 . 2/28/2011
Gah... Sad to say, Tony's kind of a bastard... But that's alright because you work that angle correctly. He's merely a likable, cocky bastard.
Pasts-Hormony2 chapter 2 . 2/28/2011
Oh, poor Pepper. Tony just doesn't understand the comfort of familiarity. I'd hate it I'd someone uprooted me from my home, the very essence of me. I get where Pepper is coming from completely because you portayed it so well. Great job. :)
Pasts-Hormony2 chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
So far, so GREAT! I love the way you formed Pepper's past. It's perfectly flawed and you just made her character even more interesting. I love your descriptions and the way she wandered as a child. She seems to fit that part. Perfection thus far.
shamebucket chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
This... is one of the most well-written stories I've come across, and has let me dare to hope as I have never done on this site.

There was one missed word, if I recall (a "right" instead of a "right now") somewhere, but I was so soaked up into the story, I forgot where. xD
Sarmoti chapter 4 . 5/31/2010
I just finished your story and I wanted to tell you that is the BEST Iron Man story I have read. You made Piper a brilliant character instead of the Mary-Sue she appears to be in a lot of work. And your Tony is in-character and you captured his emotions and fear so well. The scene in her apartment was the best written chapter of just about any story I have ever read and when she steps out in the hall and he is still there... gah, i got shivers up my spine - in one word: BEAUTIFUL!
CaptainBetty chapter 4 . 5/26/2010
Oh my god. This is gorgeous. I adore it.
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