Reviews for Loyalty
Elemental Ink chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
Aww, this was very, very sweet. And you're right - it did contain as much romance as the manga (meaning lots!)

I like the idea, and although I agree that it's unlikely due to Kurogane's loyalty to Tomoyo, I do reckon he'd find some other way to pledge himself to Fai :) It's the sort of thing Kurogane would manage.

Loved it - fluffy, serious, with subtle romance.
Rein Mikazuki chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
Aww that was cute~ But Fai kinda is a prince so Kurogane can swear felty to him :3 (even if his kingdom doesn't exist anymore...) It was funny when Fai did the exact same thing though XD Overall it was well written and I loved it!
Mikkeneko chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
This was so very, very sweet. And perfect for them. I like the ways that they each mangled the oath. :)
yamina-chan chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
/There is really, literally not any more KuroFai in here than is in the actual manga./

This may be why I love it so much. Your story is probably the closest to "It's possible that this would happen" that I have seen.

Also, I really like the idea of the oath they give to each other. I kinda doubt that Kurogane would 'serve' Fay but at the same time I deem this possible. Since - wether it is romanticaly or not - no one can deny that there is a strong bond between Kurogane and Fay.
Idiotichobo chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
Their loyalty oath sounded like a personal version of a wedding vow xD I must certainly laughed.
Amarante-ai chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
I love Tomoyo-chan. Between her reaction to Souma's reaction, this was highly entertaining.
JenEvan chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
I really have to agree with what Princess Tomoyo just said. It is sweet and cute

Plus, I think this is quite an accurate take on the dynamics of the KuroFai relationship :P
Viilarus chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
I'm back, evil stalker that I am. Not a very good one, but stalker all the same...


Aww, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! It was so cute when the apple fell out of Fay's mouth, and when both of them changed the oath. I'm also pretty sure Fay's oath took the same format as Kuro-wanwan's. Complete with "um"s and "of Nihon and Nihon and at this point still Nihon"s. Ahaha...

Keep writing; I'll always read your work! -stalkerish laugh-(um, please don't think I'm creepy. I'm not REALLY a stalker. x_X That happened with a friend once. Long story.)
anon azure chapter 1 . 2/15/2009

Feeny chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
This oneshot here -is a bundle of epic win!

Ha! Tomoyo ships KuroFay, I knew it! Her reaction was just made of win though, and it’s just so her. And Kurogane blushing is always awesome. He, it makes me want to pinch his cheeks!

Fay’s comment about Sakura-chan was so him! The mother is missing the daughter!

And it was all kinds of adorable when the apple fell out Fay’s mouth. Heehee!

It was also a pleasant surprised when Fay got down and swore his loyalty to Kuro-Kuro too. I loved how they took liberties on the oath’s…heehee!

Oh! And Kurogane paying so much attention to the “pattern” their hands made…

“Kurogane Suwa, apparently Youou, of Nihon and Nihon and at this point still Nihon”

That there line, is so Fay. It made me happy…hehe.

I really, really, really love the list of all the different silences they had!

And you planning a multi-chapter? I’d read it! Though I might stress out for ages and ages over the cliff hangers. Hehe

inafrozenworld chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
I can't believe it - you just started me on a 'quest'. My last was 'Is Fye right or left handed?' for example. This time I'd heard of a Japanese story about two samurai and an oath. Long story short I ended up on classical Japanese literature concluding it wasn't anything specific lol but the two characters did swear their lives to each other. It'd also make a good fanfiction *ponder* anyways

This is a lovely little plot ) and everyone's reactions just seem very close somehow and real. When you blend it with the setting and the atmosphere it just feels almost pretty and kinda a rightful continuation. It's something I like thinking about - Kurogane's practically devoted to Fye, right? So why's he saying Tomoyo's the only one, it's crazy. I had to smile at her reaction though, the way it all went was just really nice.

And I'm curious about this other story now. You'll prob have me ripping out my hair and then I'll be bald and people will give me funny looks but let's hear it D
applepielover chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
I love the beginning and how you build up the suspense of Kurogane being a traitor. Again, awesome job on sentence structure. I really like the part where Kurogane swears to Fai and said his real name (good character interaction between them).

Just one small thing: "All was blank, not even a line in any corner to mar the unwrinkled skin..." mar should be mark.

Would I read a long, hard-to-follow Tsubasa fanfic that's rarely updated and there's no romance between Kurogane and Fai? Definitely. :D
Integration chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
**is still grinning like an idiot**

Seriously though it had this general warmth that made it nice. (I hate that word but it somehow fits in this instance) Kurogane and Fai stumbling across their loyalty oaths made me grin :)

Thanks for sharing.
Tuliharja chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
*Laughs.* Tomoyo-hime is really sweet when she act like that. She is really sly and all...Poor Kurogane, even he deserved it. It was sort of awkward moment when Kurogane swore loyalty with Fai, I can't say anything ells. I was surprise he made it that well and Fai responded it. *Laughs sly laugh.* Yet that it was certainly sweet one. Hmm-mm...I think you should make that kind fic, I want see if you're ready to do that kind fic. Since it might be little bit hard, yet interesting. Kurogane has a big heart, so show what you got. (I'll read it, if I notice it when you post it.)
bitchboughtmycookie chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
That was so adorable, Wallpaper-chan!

Fai seemed so awkward when he was swearing loyalty to Kurogane, it was so cute! XD
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