Reviews for El Tango de Bella
AN AWESOME E.L.F chapter 4 . 3/18/2010
river flows in you sound so much like bella lullaby
lynettecullen chapter 4 . 3/6/2010
Loved it a hell of a lot!
lynettecullen chapter 3 . 3/6/2010
Loved it!
lynettecullen chapter 2 . 3/6/2010
Loved it!
lynettecullen chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
Loved it!
hnwhitlock2000 chapter 4 . 1/29/2010
very cute!
MarveyTibbsMcGarrettWilliams chapter 4 . 9/27/2009
i luv it! i so need to use a simialr idea!
pour etre je chapter 4 . 6/13/2009
aww! this was so sweet!

abie - england - x
OhHeyBridge chapter 4 . 6/13/2009
beautiful. i wish more people would write stories where bella was a musician.
setsuna1415 chapter 4 . 5/15/2009
but what of Carlisle and Esme? it would be awesome if they knew too! just a great story btw.
another-vampire chapter 4 . 2/21/2009
awesome! i liked it alot :D

keep writing!
Mimi-Love-4ever chapter 4 . 2/17/2009
OMC! I loved it! Go Bella! As for Edward's Lullaby "River Flows In You," excellent choice, it really is a beautiful song. :) And you're definately on the right track if you start another story! I know I'll read it! :D

Myself4994 chapter 4 . 2/17/2009
Bella must really be good because it took me 5 years to get that song perfectly in my violin.
GypsyScarlettAthene chapter 3 . 2/16/2009
OMG that story was great you really need to write another chapter keep writing your so good
Kayland Elric chapter 2 . 2/15/2009
sweet this is an awsome story and lol on the random yelling i started laughing when Edward's mind was in wtf mode lol. please update soon
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