Reviews for Kagerou
TwilightFigment chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
I... I'm at an utter loss for words right about here.

How do you manage to produce something so profound, deep, and downright HOT in one single chapter? Needless to say, I loved this story. The characters react the way I would expect them to, even down to the small nuances. It's very hard to imagine someone lovingly call another "maggot" during sex but...damn if it didn't sound perfect at the time.

I wish I could fave this more than once XD
EnchantedRealmsFiction chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
Um, no. This is just not right.

I will agree with previous reviews that this is a well-written story . . . up to a point. However, I disagree that the sex scene was hot. It was preceded by a rape, and no rape victim forgives his/her assailant that easily. Yes, Fayt is a very forgiving soul, but there are some things a person can NOT forgive. Rape isn't just a physical, violent act. It's also mental, emotional, and psychological. That one act alone would destroy Fayt's trust in Albel for a long time to come.

You really should think about the repurcussions for such acts before you write something like that. It would even take the Pope a while to forgive someone for doing something like that to him. The very fact that Fayt does within moments of the assault is just very, very wrong. That isn't torturing the darling. It's just making him mindless and bland.

As far as grammar and spelling go, I didn't see anything wrong. As a LuFay fan, you teased with the scenes between Fayt and Luther. As far as the AlFay went . . . very believable until the rape.
Mizu-Tenshi chapter 1 . 3/29/2009
It's been a while since I've read a Star Ocean fic, let alone a good Star Ocean fic. I must thank you for making me love LutherxFayt as much as I do, but your AlbelxFayt scenes are always spectacular. Thanks for a great fic.
Reishyko chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
Just plain HOT

The smex scene was HOT XD.

But I like the emotional part too. and poor Luther TT
Chocola Emo Shizzle chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
omg. I love this.
Fizzyology chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
O-O Holy crap, it's been a long time since I've read a good fanfic, let alone a Star Ocean one.

Oddly enough, while I found the whole Cliff playing matchmaker via poisons hilarious, I laughed even harder when Albel said "Dream on fool, dream on" Because I could literally hear him say it exactly the way he does in the game. Now I won't be able to watch that scene without remembering this XD

Oh and I'm a Solia Online member :3

and I want your soul XD
kitsunedemon chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
This is absolutely brilliant. I love the tension between Albel and Fayt; both vicious and unrelenting. And the entire dialogue between the two; amazing. That, and the last section with Luther and Cliff gave me shivers.

This was just incredible. I am very glad I read it.

Thanks so much!(You do have a few spelling and grammar errors though, in case you want to go back over it, but nonetheless I still give you praise).