Reviews for Shadows of Sleep
Guest chapter 8 . 12/31/2018
16afoster chapter 17 . 2/27/2011
clap clap clap
16afoster chapter 16 . 2/27/2011
woah. that was sad. i still dont understand how aqua died though
16afoster chapter 14 . 2/27/2011
darkness7 , light 3. come on ven
16afoster chapter 10 . 2/27/2011
tears are streaming down my face now, i know sora will survive but jesus thats sad. omg sora! come on buddy
16afoster chapter 9 . 2/27/2011
! tear. sniff. man if this was in the regular kingdom hearts series i wonder how much this would change the story line like seriously. it would be awesome though. but all of your stories make perfect sinse if u added them 2 the game but there would be some questions
16afoster chapter 7 . 2/26/2011
omg omg omg omg, if that part when xehanort was at the door in a movie i would of freaked out, i'm just saying. if i saw that outside my house i would have had a heart attack or called 911 and i'm just 13,3 months 13, and i would be so scared 2 have a keyblade. i give every person credit if they fight, fake and real. expecially people that see there best friend or something like that die right in front of them. i feel for yall.
16afoster chapter 5 . 2/26/2011
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i started crying. sora is sooo cute. have u seen him when he was little. omg! i dont know why but since i hit 12 and a half (a year and a half ago) i've been crying over kingdom hearts so much. hormones
16afoster chapter 2 . 2/26/2011
ok, that was way different than the final mix version
Music1nTim3 chapter 17 . 2/1/2011
This is...*sniff* so...*sniff* sad, and tragic. But its also so...*sniff*...darn...*sniff*...AWESOME! You, my freind ,are a born writer!


Did you Really have to kill Ventus though? Well, what the hay. I have to read the others now! what were they called? Shadows of...i have to go back and find it. It was the sequel to this, right?
Music1nTim3 chapter 11 . 2/1/2011
You're gonna kill VENTUS? ! Ugh, how COULD you! ? Sorry, this is the first of your fanfiction si've read, so i've never read...whatchmacallit...the other one. I didn't know Ventus was gonna DIE!
Music1nTim3 chapter 7 . 2/1/2011
"May seem tedious?" Are you kidding? This story ROX! ! ! ! ! !
aloof-kokiri chapter 17 . 1/30/2011
I hate you. Thanks to you I am now crying my eyes out. Not to mention my whole family now is laughing at me for reading "that stupid and strange fanfiction stuff" as they so "affectionately" call it. Oh well. Anyways...this was REALLY good. It really makes good use of many of the theories surrounding Sora, Ventus, and Kingdom Hearts all together. Sora is such an adorable person in general, but as a child his cuteness multiplies! I cried for Ventus. He is one of my favourite characters and it was so painful to see him go. Same with Roxas. You really have guts in killing off so many "main" characters! This is a beautifully crafted story. I have also been reading your re-write and am loving that as well. You are a very gifted writer and I hope you keep it up!
HopelessFujoshi chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
What a jerk face /

heh... You handled it much better then I would

I'd pry just get pissed off hehe,

But it does suck that you got such a crappy review /

Everyone likes the angst! That's why they read it P
Maddening Tumult chapter 17 . 3/16/2010
OMG! That was so sa, it makes me wanna cry. And that's impressive, cause I don't cry that often.
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