Reviews for The Die is Cast
GreciaTenoh chapter 8 . 8/11/2019
Acabo de encontrar tu historia y quede fascinada por tu increíble narrativa, tienes un talento impresionante, describes tantos detalles que casi parece que estás ahí, me encanta la trama, amo los personajes, tu escritura es adictiva, lastima que lo abandonaste hace tantos años, ojalá vuelvas y lo termines algún día, te has ganado otro fan y espero recibir una actualización tuya en algún momento, saludos! Y vuelve!
anon chapter 8 . 4/28/2015
Doesn't matter if we give encouragement.. You decided to abandon this story anyway ;)
Kc chapter 8 . 8/27/2013
I hope you update...this is really a great story! :)
Kana chapter 8 . 5/1/2012
OMG! Plz update this soon TT it so interesting... I hope u continue to write for this story
Angelsheart85 chapter 8 . 7/9/2011
this is an amazing piece of writing! I really mean it! Will U continue it? :) Pls?
CelticPhoenixProductions chapter 8 . 5/18/2011

However, I find you're depiction of the Generals... Off for some reason. Ah well, I still like it! Keep it coming!
Mystra32 chapter 8 . 5/18/2011
It was already au, so I wasn't to bothered with Jadite and the others being a bit off. You've reworked the whole thing rather well so far, almost to the level of difference that the live action had from the anime and manga. Keep going with it, I want to see what happens, both in the romantic parts and in the general greater sailor moon modified plot.
Jedi Caro chapter 8 . 5/14/2011
awesome add to the story :)
chakeroo chapter 7 . 1/10/2011
really great story! can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Alex R chapter 7 . 12/27/2010
amazing, love it all :)
braddleybear chapter 7 . 12/22/2010
love it!

update soon, please ;D
froggie chapter 7 . 12/22/2010
oft, amazing, love it all :)
Adid chapter 7 . 12/21/2010
This is amazing!

You must, must, must continue! xx
gurj14 chapter 7 . 7/7/2010
First off, my heart was torn in two this chapter! One part enjoyed the Rei/Keiko relationship moments and haha LOL Rei has so much to learn in that area! But the other (larger) part couldn’t help but totally totally totally adore how Minako and Rei instantly clicked!

Keiko’s opening with her hate for blondes was funny :p I enjoyed reading Keiko’s teen romance jealousy angst, it was adorable haha. I could totally see why she would have felt she was a third wheel, especially with their ‘accident’ run-ins with Minako.

Alas, poor poor Rei is stuck in the middle with her messy locker, and its sad because inevitably (of course I don’t know who ‘wins’ in the story) but... I don’t see Keiko standing a chance against a love that’s existed longer and, sailor senshi considered, also deeper. I am very eager to read how Minako’s illness will play into this obtuse love triangle.

Man Keiko hearing Minako call Rei Casanova? Priceless. Lol i wonder what she thought after that...

The Rei/Minako dynamic is to cute! I love how you made them instantly compatible because of their past, and how confusing and frustrating it makes things for them. And when Rei was considering it and she was all “mercury would say that, wait who the fuck is mercury?” that pretty much has it in a nutshell.

Soooo, Keiko and Aiko possibly scheming together to separate Venus and Mars? Oooh sounds exciting, I can’t help wonder what could come of that. Finding out secrets maybe? Getting a broken heart? Or actually succeeding? Bah. The power of teen romance angst suspense! Lol Their argument was still pretty funny anyways with ‘fine’ ‘yeah fine’ stuff and they got sent to the principal. Such are the hardships of high school scheming!

I can’t help but think how, had Rei not been involved, Keiko could have made a very good friend to Minako – probably someone she could have liked more than hanging out with Aiko, Chizuko, and Hatsu anyways in the school I guess. That being said, there was no keiko-minako moments that I didn’t find hilarious.

The best argument of the chapter, of course, goes to Keiko’s rant on punishment-to Minako provoking her-to Rei shaking her head which lead to Keiko getting angry at Rei for saying she overreacted. Minako was right, Rei is too cute!

I love that quote you had after it happened where you state Rei had no clue what to do since she had never had a relationship like this, and I instantly thought how different her relationship with Minako was. You really make it painfully obvious that they’re one of a kind in your story.

Keiko’s feelings for Rei though are really very sweet. The fact that she crushed on her for so long and can’t bear to be without her is sad.

You wrote their sex scene really well! There was a balance between Keiko and Rei’s feelings on it (Keiko: i love you baby! – and Rei: thank god Grandpa’s not here! Hahahaha) that a reader can appreciate. For a second I half expected Rei to get really caught up in her moment and call Keiko Minako or something cliché like that. But I do ask you, was there more to Rei’s spacey-ness after her first time than meets the eye, or Keiko’s eye? I had trouble trying to read between the lines on that one.

Damn that silver millennium flashback was sad. And damn everything just went up a level at the end of this chapter!

Hisao in your story, by the way, was very sad. I was a little confused at first, but its a new take on yoma you have there – I hope I’m right about him being a yoma? Or are you trying something new with that that’s diff from a yoma? Anyways, his point of view of transforming was pretty sad.

Totally loving it! Keep it up!
DarthSquishie chapter 7 . 7/5/2010
HOLY CRAP MAN! This story is amazing! I have a lot of work to get my story even close to this ones level! Excellent job! Keep it up!
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